Evolution: Chapter 30

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When I think it's gone, it comes back.

Sneaks up on me and slams me out the depths of my unconsciousness. Making it impossible for me to just lie in bed, feeling the cool hold of the darkness. In fact, it builds up this intense discomfort for being still.

And so, I'm forced to wake up.

Every bitter memory buried within my mind plays through me. I feel my hands clench and unclench by my sides as I stalk downstairs. All my emotions turn on each other, messing up my thoughts whilst I try to wake up, and understand.

Downstairs is a room Ripper lets me have to myself when I need it. Filled with exercise equipment, and now more machinery because this is where he measured my physical developments. I liked that he didn't have the keen thirst for knowledge like the last scientists did.

My attention is already on the thing I want, and I grunt as I threw myself forward. Crashing my knuckles hard against the hard leather and kept doing it. Waiting until the stamina passed through me, billowing away the dark cloud that'd settled over me.

It kind of felt like a bug caught in a trap. Now it was clawing at all the edges inside me to force its way out. Filling me with the darkest emotions, making me want to physically rip something open.

A war like scream escaped me when I finally strike my first against the punching bag. The punch so strong, that the thick material split from the force of the blow. Grains spat out from the inside, making me curse.

Unhooking it, I dumped it alongside the other bust ones. With nostrils flaring, and all the works, I heaved up another. Oddly, I didn't even notice any strain like I normally would have with them. Ripper had them specially made, to withstand the strength of his Chimera's.

Just sucked they weren't buff enough to survive me.

Ripper...he didn't know the full extent of it. I don't like sharing too personal things with people, because I didn't understand it. Maybe one day I would but I wasn't there yet, besides, maybe anger is just anger.

There doesn't always have to be someone...wrong about it, until you hurt someone.

My hands burned from the pain, but the splits in my knuckles healed before they could make a mess. Nonetheless, I had managed to tire myself out a little. I wrapped my arms around the bag, just leaning against it.

Was I lonely? I couldn't tell. So, did that mean I was fine? I hated it when Theo managed to get into my head. I obviously knew I was still Six and he was still Three. I wasn't delusional, but we weren't the same people.

We didn't have to be.

Pushing myself from the bag, I flipped the switch of the lights on my way out. I paused when I caught Ripper's scent, still fresh, and didn't need to guess where he was. Since his little secret lab was soundproof, and end of the world proof, I didn't actually know if he was down there.

But it was an accurate guess.

"What is that?" I questioned, stepping out from the elevator.

Ripper was leaning back in his desk chair, his hair disheveled from a lack of sleep. On the table was a bottle of scotch that was already half empty, and a trickle of it left in his glass. His gaze was focused on the chain he held in his hands.

"I'm taking up jewelry design." He drawled sarcastically, holding it up for me to see. My gaze fell to the large chunk of metal that fell from it, "What do you think?"

I took between my fingers, immediately feeling the difference between metals. Especially since the hunk of metal feel a lot smoother, and lighter to the touch. Whereas it was the chain that felt heavy, and thick.

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