Chapter 4- Reuben

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Chapter 4- Reuben

Morgan looked around as she entered the tiny village she'd grown up in. She opened the door to her mother's shack, and was instantly greeted by a hyper corgi.

"Hi there, Reuben," she said, giggling.

Jimmy emerged from the sword.

"Oh my Goddesses! You have a corgi? My wife and I want a corgi so bad!"

Morgan giggled softly.

"This is Reuben," she said. She looked up at Jimmy, who was playing with Reuben. "Did you change your clothes?"

Jimmy looked down at the white Deadmau5 shirt and blue jeans he was now wearing.

"Yea," he said. "I love KOAN Sound, but I'm not gonna wear the same shirt forever."

Morgan was about to respond, but was interrupted by her mother entering the room.

"Morgan!" she exclaimed happily. "It's wonderful to see you! And who is this handsome young man?"

Jimmy bowed deeply to Morgan's mother.

"Jimmy," he said. "It's quite the honor to meet you."

"Well," the woman said. "This wasn't exactly the man I expected you to bring home."

Jimmy cleared his throat.

"I'm married," he said.

"Jimmy is the guardian spirit of the Goddess Sword," Morgan explained.

"You mean the Sword to be wielded by the Hero of Time?" her mother asked.

Jimmy nodded.

"Or, in this case, the Heroine of Time," he said.

Morgan's mother smiled.

"You always did want to protect people," she said. "Oh, there's been talk of a woman who jumped off the edge of the island to save the Prince's life. That wasn't you, was it?"

Morgan bit her lip.

"I'm sorry, mom," she said. "I know it was reckless, but I just... I don't know what came over me. All I could think was protect the Prince."

Her mother nodded.

"You truly are my courageous little girl. And I bet you're still beating up the boys, too."

Morgan laughed.

"Well, I did beat the balls out of General Hughes' son, Hunter," she said. "Oh yea. And I'm his boss, now. Prince Nate made me the head of his Royal Guard!"

Her mother hugged her.

"Oh, I'm so glad everything worked out for you," she said. "Now, all you have to do is win his heart."

Morgan blushed.

"Mom, stop," she said. "Besides, a man as gorgeous as Prince Nate can have any girl he desires. Why would he want a poor girl from a small village?"

"Because you have a wonderful personality," her mother said. "You're so sweet, and so wonderful. Any man would be lucky to have an amazing girl like you."

Morgan smiled and looked down.

"Thanks, mom," she said.

"So, why have you come back to our little village? I heard the castle was attacked. Shouldn't you be protecting the Prince?"

Morgan bit her lip.

"I have to go rescue Nate," she said. "He got kidnapped by our enemy."

She looked down. Jimmy looked at her.

"Don't be upset with yourself," he said. "I know you can get him back. I have faith in you, and so does Nate. And I bet everyone else does, too."

Morgan smiled and nodded as Reuben plopped down at her feet.

"I think someone missed you," her mother said, chuckling gently.

Morgan smiled.

"I missed you, too, big guy," she said, petting him softly.

"Can we take the corgi with us?" Jimmy asked, giving Morgan his best puppy dog face.

Morgan looked at him.

"Won't it be dangerous?" she asked. "I'd die if anything happened to my little Reuben."

"We can protect him, I'm sure," Jimmy said. "I mean, you're tough. And I can fight, too. We'll keep him safe. Besides, I bet Reuben's a ferocious little guard dog who would be the one protecting us."

He began rubbing Reuben's belly, cooing at the corgi. Morgan sighed.

"Oh all right," she said. "Reuben can join us. But if anything happens to him, you'd better hope you can't die, Mister."

Jimmy nodded, clearly scared of Morgan.

"Oh, Morgan," her mother said. "Are you staying for dinner?"

Morgan looked down.

"I was... um... Well, I was hoping to head out to find Nate as soon as possible," she admitted.

Jimmy stood up.

"Hey, now, we can't leave for a journey on an empty stomach, can we?"

Morgan nodded.

"Okay," she said. "But I'm cooking."

She got up and headed into the kitchen to get started on dinner.


I just want to say that all of the comments I have gotten on this story have made me so happy, and I love that people are enjoying my story. ^_^ If you guys wanna follow me on Twitter to know when new parts are going up:

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