Chapter 13- Morgan Finds Nate

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Chapter 13- Morgan Finds Nate

Nate followed the skull kid and froze.

"Morgan?" he asked. "What are you doing here?"

Morgan smiled.

"What a good Hero of Time does. Running through temples, cutting grass, breaking pots, and collecting treasure."

Nate couldn't help laughing at her answer. God, she was freaking adorable.

"I'm so glad you're okay," he said. "I was so worried about you."

Impa stepped forward and bowed.

"Your majesty," she said.

"Impa," Nate said, "there's no need to be so formal. You practically raised me. You taught me how to fight. You've been there by my side through everything. You can call me Nate."

Impa nodded.

"We should get you back to the castle, Nate," she said.

Nate looked at Morgan.

"But, what about Morgan?"

Midna and Brandon walked up behind him as Morgan spoke.

"I'll be fine, Nate. Granted I'm not Impa level of skill with a sword, I can take care of myself. And besides, it's far too dangerous for you. You're the top priority right now. You should get back home, where Hunter and the others can protect you."

Nate shook his head.

"No," he said. "You're out here because of me. I'm going with you."

Morgan sighed.

"Nate, please. You-"

Nate cut her off.

"Morgan, I'm coming with you and that's final. Besides, I have the Mira Sword. The second most powerful sword in existence."

"Right behind the Master Sword, of course," Jimmy said.

Nate looked at him.

"Oh, hey," he said. "Cool shirt."

Jimmy looked down at his shirt. It was black with a gold design under a white triforce.

"Thanks," he said, smiling. "Anyways, are we gonna go? We're off to the forest temple."

Nate nodded.

"Brandon, Midna, can you guys go back to my castle and help defend?"

Brandon nodded, but Midna looked unsure.

"You know how I am about sun," she said.

Nate nodded.

"You like to stick to shadows, though," he said. "Behind my castle is a huge garden, where the Hall of Time is. Because of all the trees and plants, there are plenty of shadows. So you and Brandon can stay there and guard the Hall."

Midna nodded.

"Okay," she said. She transformed into her imp form. "Now, remember, Brandon. You have to do exactly as I say. Tehe."

Brandon laughed and followed Midna. Nate turned to Morgan.

"Alright," he said. "Now, before we go, we need to discuss an attack plan. Once Kellie realizes I'm missing, she'll send her goons after me."

Morgan nodded.

"Right," she said. "Tell me everything you know."


Jimmy's shirt in this chapter is the one he wears in the Extra Dex episode with Nidoking, Oshawott, and Smeargle. I forget which number that is.

Also- *Screams* Morgan freaking tweeted about my story today! I was so excited! And Nate loved the guitar-to-sword thing, too! I'm so happy right now! I literally feel like my heart is gonna explode!

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