Chapter 6- The Journey Ahead

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Chapter 6- The Journey Ahead

Morgan sighed as they stepped out. It was super early. Jimmy stood beside her, wearing a Zora shirt with a black jacket over it. He also wore a hat with a triforce decorating it. Reuben stood at her feet, panting happily. Morgan looked at her hand, seeing the triforce piece glowing there. Courage. She was gonna need a lot of that if she was gonna get Nate back.

"Okay," she said. "Any idea where we go?"

Jimmy closed his eyes to see if he could sense anything at all.

"We should attempt to find the Triforce of Power first," he said softly. "I'm sensing something coming from a nearby desert. I can't say for sure what it is, but we should check it out."

Morgan nodded.

"Okay," she said. "Lets get going."

She began walking to find the desert with only her sword on her back. Reuben trotted along behind her happily. Jimmy floated along. The group walked through for hours, until they couldn't walk anymore. Morgan dropped onto a rock.

"It's so hot," she said. "And I'm kind of hungry. I'm gonna see if I can find something to eat."

Jimmy stood up.

"I'll join you," he said.

Morgan shook her head.

"Watch Reuben," she told him. "I can handle a little hunting."

She went out and came back with a few dead birds she found. All of them were already beheaded. Jimmy blinked.

"What did you do, hack and slash the poor things?"

Morgan shrugged.

"Let's start a fire so we can cook these things," she said.

As Jimmy worked on the fire, Morgan prepared the birds for cooking.

"Is hunting normal for you?" he asked, once the food was cooking.

Morgan nodded.

"My dad taught me when I was really young. Normally, I use a bow, but my sword was all I had this time. Growing up, we couldn't afford a whole lot. Sometimes, I had to go out and hunt for food just so we wouldn't starve."

Jimmy nodded.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"It's okay," Morgan replied. "Being part of Prince Nate's Guard will help give my family a better life. I'll be able to afford to move them into a better area. We won't have to worry about starving anymore."

Jimmy rubbed her shoulder gently.

"You have noble goals," he said. "Always thinking of others, never of yourself. That's a good trait for the legendary Hero of Time."

Morgan smiled.

"Mom always taught us growing up to never be selfish. And besides. Being able to help others makes me happy. My dream was to be a member of the Royal Guard, and to protect the Prince. It's perfect for me, because I can help and protect people. Mom and dad always said I was a courageous one. But, I was just being me. It's who I am."

Jimmy smiled.

"You know, I don't remember much about my past incarnations, but I do remember all of the Heroes of Time who've come before you. And one thing every single one of them has had in common is the natural desire to help and protect people. And I think Nate saw that in you. That's why he believes in you."

Morgan nodded softly. The two of them talked for hours. Jimmy told her about the past incarnations of the Hero, as well as discussing a plan to find and rescue Nate, once they'd found the Triforce pieces and the Master Sword. Finally, when the food was done, the three of them ate their fill, and then they continued on their journey.

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