Chapter 16- Courage, Wisdom, and Power

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Chapter 16- Courage, Wisdom, and Power

Morgan saw Sonny with Jimmy pinned to the wall, a blue sword at his throat.

"You Master can't wield that sword," Jimmy said.

Sonny just laughed.

"We'll see about that," he said. "Good luck beating us without the Master Sword, Hero of Time."

He vanished, taking the sword with him. The temple began to shake and crumble.

"We have to do something," Nate said.

"The Goddess Sword! Sonny removed the Master Sword, but because he's not you, the temple is reacting. If you place the Goddess Sword in the stone, it should stop the place from crumbling. But, it'll also mean that I'll end up going back to sleep until the next Hero's time."

Morgan froze when she heard that. Jimmy sounded sad. Like he didn't want to leave Morgan. She turned and hugged Jimmy tight, crying.

"I don't want you to leave the team," she said. "But, it's the only way. I'll miss you. But, you've been so helpful on my mission. With everything you've taught me, I know I can win."

She turned and plunged the sword into the stone. She hugged Jimmy one more time. Both of them were crying as he faded, being pulled back into the sword. Nate wiped her tear.

"You did the right thing," he said.

She nodded.

"We have to stop Kellie," she said. "I don't even care if I only have two Triforce pieces. We have to stop her."

Nate nodded.

"I know where she is," he said.

He led them to Twilight Falls, and into Kellie's castle.

"Oh, Nate," Kellie said, giggling. "I see you came back. Finally decided to marry me?"

Nate shuddered. Morgan couldn't help but laugh at his reaction.

"We came to stop you," she said to Kellie.

"But how? I have the Master Sword! And you only have two Triforce pieces!"

"That may be," Morgan said, "but the sword doesn't make the hero. In fact, I bet I can beat you with Nate's sword. Nate, hand me your sword!"

Nate tossed the Mira Sword at Morgan. She caught it, then pointed it at Kellie.

"You're on," Kellie said. "I have the more powerful sword."

Morgan looked at her.

"The sword doesn't matter. What matter's is what's inside. What matters is the courage, the wisdom, and the strength inside. On the first day of Guard training, Nate said, 'Have the courage to seek the wisdom that will grant you power.' At first, I just thought he said it because it fit well with the lesson, but now I understand it's meaning. Without courage, I never would've been able to go on this journey. The journey that helped me discover the wisdom inside me. And sometimes, things get difficult. You can take the easy way, or the hard way. But sometimes the hard way is the right way. It takes strength to do the right thing. But, that's what makes a real hero. The courage to seek out the wisdom that will grant you power."

Morgan's hand glowed, and the final triforce piece appeared. The sword in her hand began to glow and change shape right before her eyes.

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