Chapter 11- Twilight Falls

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Chapter 11- Twilight Falls

Nate sat on the bed, smiling and playing his guitar. Beside him sat one of Kellie's minions, Brandon Shue. He was rapping while Nate was playing and singing. They were singing one of the themes to an anime called Fairy Tail.

"Man," Nate said. "You know, you're pretty cool."

Brandon smiled.

"Thanks, dude. You're not bad yourself. Hey, I have this friend. She can totally sneak you out of here, but she's kind of a bit bossy. And has a slight attitude. You have to do exactly as she says, or else she won't be too happy with you."

Nate nodded.

"Hey, if she can get me out of here, I'll definitely do what she needs me to."

Brandon smiled.

"Okay, I'll get her. I think you'll like her."

Brandon left. After the sun began setting, a figure appeared in his room. It was a little imp.

"Um... hi," Nate said, looking at the imp.

"I'm Midna," the imp said. "If you want out of here, I need you to do exactly as I say, understood? Tehe."

Nate nodded.

"Of course," he said.

He pulled his guitar onto his back and followed the bouncy little imp out of the room.


Meanwhile, back at the castle, Morgan was meeting with her Guard, as well as Jimmy and Impa. Reuben was back to his normal size, and was running around after another corgi, Miss Curie.

"Alright," Morgan said. "I think I may have an idea where Nate is," she said. She grabbed a map, marking off the Temple of Spikes. "There are three temples. The Desert Temple, also known as the Temple of Spikes, is where I came from."

Hunter piped up.

"Dad went there when I was very young," he said. "Rumor is that his spirit is still seen around there."

"The rumors are true," Jimmy said. "We saw General Hughes when we were at the Temple. I believe he's become a Temple Guardian. A spirit of a nobble-hearted person who dies in a temple becomes a Temple Guardian. I believe that's what happened to him."

Morgan nodded.

"Anyways, we also have the water temple and the forest temple."

A Guard member nearest Morgan looked at the map.

"I'd start with the forest," he said. "When they kidnapped Nate, they went in the direction of the forest."

Jimmy nodded.

I'm getting a good vibe about the forest temple," he said. "But there's a strong energy coming from the water temple, too."

Morgan groaned.

"Water training was beyond difficult," she said. "But, the Temple of Spikes led us to the Triforce of Wisdom. Still, I think we should check out the forest temple first. I'm being drawn there, and I need to trust my instincts."

Jimmy smiled.

"That's always best," he said. "And who knows what you'll find there?"

The Guard member from before spoke up.

"Rumor has it that the forest temple holds a sacred treasure only the Legendary Hero can hold."

"The Master Sword?" Impa asked.

"It's possible," Morgan said.

"Alex said he saw the enemy going there, so that could be where Nate's being held," Jimmy said.

"No," Impa said. "Too dangerous. Nate could be close by, but not in that forest. Kellie would never go there. She might be the legendary evil, but she doesn't have the courage to go there. Still, she could send one of her guards there. Before you found me, I'd fended off a guard named Brandon. But, she could still send another. Or the dark sword spirit, Sonny."

Jimmy looked over the map.

"Twilight Falls," he said. "It's a beautiful place, where Princess Midna is rumored to stay. Yet, the castle is abandoned. Allegedly. An abandoned castle in a beautiful place is a perfect place to hide Nate."

Morgan circled it on her map.

"Alright," she said. "Guard meeting is dismissed. Oh, and Hunter? General Hughes approves of your new girlfriend."

Hunter's eyes went wide. Nobody knew about the girl he'd been dating. Well, until now. But how did Morgan know? Was it really that his father was watching over him, without Hunter knowing? The thought was comforting to Hunter. Even in death, his father was still there to protect him.

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