Master Izuku

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Requested by: KaoriMyazono1235

Well, on with the story.

Edit: oml, the pic. I almost died. Akslksjdkeo

Another Edit: holy shit, this this went from 'it's gonna be so fluffy!' To 'you know what, Izuku is abusive master now' akskaldjoak.
Type: angst???

I grabbed the glass of water, still head spinning. I placed the pain killers in my mouth, washing it down with water. My stomach and head ached bad as hell. This pain is too much to handle. I fell to my knees, dropping the glass of water. Grunting in pain, the glass seemed to be broken in slow motion.

Then, everything went black.

Flashbacks played in my mind.

Soya sauce face gave me a glare, looking back at deku.
He sighs and smiles, handing me a glass of fizzy water, guessing it's sprite. I took a sip of the salty, somehow dry water.{fucking possible?} He gave me a smirk, walking away. I started to walk like a dumbass, but someone grabbing my arm.

"Kacchan! You're drunk! you need to go home!" I said nothing, Ip just agreed.

My vision came back, it was blurry, but it slowly cleared up. That's good. "God damn, the Canadian flag tried to poison me..." I muttered under my breath.

"Kacchan! Kacchan! A-are you o-okay...?!"his voice got quiet after he looked at my head.

" Ha?! Stop screaming at my face you damn nerd! " he reaches and touches my hair. The weird thing his that I felt his touch. On my hair, it twitched and I jumped back. "What the fuck, My HaIr Is FuCkInG aLiVe." He started to pet me, I purred and got in a little trance, but woke up immediately. "Dont fucking touch me!" I said, flustered. "Bad kitty!" He scolded me.
" Huh?! The hell you say!? " he threw a pillow at me, "Behave!"

" listen here you.little shit! " I way towards him, my blood boiled. "Dont you fucking dare boss me the hell around. I Ywill not tolerate this shit." He cowards down.. "Ha... Sorry Kacchan... I just wanted to feel like a dominant person. "

I had let out a small sigh, "I'm gonna go to the living room..." he nodded and headed towards the door, " gonna go to the store... Be right back. "

Time skip cuz the demon of a cat is sleeping like an angel on the couch

Something clicked around my neck and woke me up. I open my eyes when I heard chains being dragged then another click. The thing yanked up, grabbing my chin.. "wHa?" I ask in confusion but he kept on pulling on the chains. He dragged me into his room, clipping the chains. He emptied his bag on the bed.
"Let me go, damnit..." My ears twitched from anger and frustration. He glanced at me, smirking, "why should I? I finally have a chance to get pay back all for all these years." he walked closer, touching on my ears and I purred. My body grew weak, pants tightening. {oh boy}

He smirked, and left me there. I placed my hand on the chain, the smell of nitroglycerin filling the air as. I tried to melt the chains off. I was about to yank on the chains to break free, but Deku walked in with a try of food. He came closer, placing it down. "Hmm, were you trying to escape? Bad kitty!" he places the food just out of my reach. "..." He took the little fork and ate a piece of the rice ball, I stared at the food. "Oh~ your hungry~?"  I let out a small growl, then another from my stomach. He sat in front of me, taking out his member smirking. "Go on, Kacchan~ Eat up~" he had complete control.


He thrusts his length into me, gripping my hair, "K-kacchan~" he whispered in my ear while I kept in the lewd noises. He thrusts harder, "A-awe, why d-dont you m-moan my na-name?" I stayed silent, letting my tears hit the ground. After a few thrusts, he found  my sweet spot. "MwAh IzuUukUu!!" After that, I couldn't hold it in anymore, i let out lewd noises. He thrusts into me one last time before turning me over and crawling up my chest, lifting my chin. "Dessert!" He shoved his manhood up my mouth, releasing his juices. I winced at the sour taste, pulling away and spitting it out. "Bad, bad kitty. You need to drink it all! Guess I have to punish you~"
Oh, dont I need Jesus? XD sorry for rushing, friends. Hope y'all enjoy le story you lil dirty cheese sticks.:0

Hard To Explain{Katsudeku/Bakudeku Oneshots}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin