The Risk

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A/N: I read back the first chapters of this book, and notice how straight forward I was.... ANYWHO--- This story was requested by OrangeTruffle

Basic summary: Bakugou and Midoriya have been dating for a while now, yet Izuku is scared to make it public, fearing it will affect Katsuki's future quite badly.

AU: Fantasy


Kacchan laid a small kiss on my lips, color slowly fading in his cheeks, "Deku?". "Yeah..?" I asked, looking redder than my shoes { Deku's shoes need some spotlight too.}. He wrapped his arms around my body will a sigh, "Why can we not make this public(?), it has been two months." The dragon rider complained, "that half and half bastard is always giving you those damn lovey-dovey eyes." He ranted further. I cupped his cheeks with a smile, " don't worry, Kacchan, I won't replace you. Nothing is as special as you. " I giggled, nuzzling him. "That doesn't answer my question.". My face lost it's sympathy, leaving me confused. "We-well, I'm afraid of it ruining your reputation, being a dragon rider and all!" I laughed nervously.


That made me coward back, holding my hands to my chest as he continued too hug me. "I-I mean-! We just can't make it public okay?! You're next in line too be on the dragon throne(!) and I cannot ruin that for you..." My voice trailed off as I image a life being torn away from my love. "Do you think I care?"

" H-huh? Wha-what do you mean?! You've been training for this since we were four years old! "

"Uwah!~ Kacchan~ Look! It's a painting of the sword 'One For All'!" I held out the square painting, looking at it then back to Kacchan with amazement. "Another one, Deku? Wow, you must really want that piece of scrap metal, huh?" . "It's not scrap metal! It's Sir All Might's former sword!" I softly yelled in defense. "You can go ahead and become a knight, and I'll be the next big dragon rider! And maybe sit on the dragon throne! Just promise me this, we both will work hard for our dreams!"

"Don't you dare-" Kacchan interrupted me by smacking his lips onto mine, leaving me as a blushing mess. " shut up, idiot. They are not gonna care. "

"Bu-but still..."

Kacchan repeatedly punched the air, sticking perfectly as if he were in a fight. "Kacchan! You've been training for four hours now! Why can't you get some rest?!"." Shut it, nerd! At least my goal is actually possible too reach! " he yelled, continuing to train. My hands went on my chest, looking hurt. He gave me one more glare before I walked away.

"You are the next heir! If-if they found out about us, then-then-" tears well up, my voice wavering. "

"We'll tell them tomorrow, and it doesn't work out, then we'll move somewhere else, who cares for my dream? I just want too be with you, shitty deku. " my tears fell faster, hiding my face against his red cape and bare chest to muffle my cries. Kacchan hugged me tighter as he placed his chin on my head.

{Time skip cuz I'm a lazy biatch}

We clenched each others hand, glancing down the road that'll decide our fate. He gave me a soft smile as we began our walk too the castle ( I think that's it-- idk, I'm not good with this au--). "Kacchan, are you sure about this..?" I hesitantly asked. He took a deep breath, "yeah, I've been ready," Kacchan smiled. Sometimes, I cannot believe that he is mine, look how lucky I am. We walked towards the large building as these good thoughts  came too mind. Finally, we're at the door. He held my waist as we knocked on the oversize door and it slowly open. Looked as if David{random bitch} had guard duty today, he stood by the door, wide-eyed. I gave him a faint smile as Kacchan held me closer. "You do know what may happen, right, Bakugou?"

" Yeah, yeah, I'm aware of what may happen. Don't remind me. "

He rushed me past the two doors, glancing down at the red cloth laid down at the entrance. We followed it to the thrown room,where the current Dragon king is sitting, Best Jeanest {Spelling¿}. He is the tenth/ninth? best fighter here. I admired the throne room, it seemed too be bigger than the original throne room in castle U.A., where Sir All Might currently worked, alongside Sir Endeavor. Just being in the presence of the current Dragon king gave me goosebumps as I stood in his presence. I held on too the sword One for All, bowing quickly.

"That piece of junk us actually real? The hell did scum like you get hands on it!" Kacchan pounded his fist together, looking irritated. "I.. I have been searching since we were small... And Sir All... And I found it, worthy of wielding this sword!" I stuttered with tears forming in the corners of my eyes.

"S-sir!" I greeted with a kind smile and looked up, not realizing Kacchan had let go of my hip. "Bakugou... Why have you brought him?" My face went blank after he had ignored me. " I brought him too tell you something. " Kacchan bluntly said, nearly sounding as if he were hesitating.

"Go on." He interrupted.

"Deku and I are.."

" We're together! " I blurted, "and we have been for the last six months! We kept it a secret... "

"Why so?"

" I didn't want too ruin Kacchan's future, since he is the next heir too the dragon throne. "

"How considerate of you too think so. Just let me have a little talk with Bakugou." I nodded and left the throne room.

Minutes passed and I heard a few screams, bangs and other sounds violence causes. Finally, Kacchan came out of the room, unharmed, at least I hope so. He gave me a smile and a thumbs up, "told ya, we'll be fine. They let gays sit on the throne too." Kacchan joked around. I let out a giggle as he ruffled my hair, " and we can work together, with quests. "

"I'd love that, Kacchan."

A/N : I feel a bit iffy about this chapter... Aye, yolo. AnyWHO, HOW? WHEN? WHY THE FUCK DO I HAVE OVER 1K VIEWS?! THANK Y'ALL SO MUCH! HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

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