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I woke up wrapped in Alex's arms. It was like 10 which is really early for me to wake up. I check my phone and realized my mom was home from her "work" trip, as in her getting away from me vacation. She didn't care if I had anyone over so hopefully she doesn't get mad that Alex was here. I slipped out of his arms and went down stairs to see if my mom was home or if she went shopping. I went down stairs and saw my mom sipping her tea and reading so book. I talked to my mom for a good five minutes then she went to the store. I went back to my room and saw that Alex was awake. I asked what was happening and he said he needed to go home. I told him I'll give him a ride home and what not. We got ready to go. We went to target first cause I wanted so chips. We started to mess around and then we got some chips and a slim him cause that's what Alex wanted. When we got there he asked if I wanted to meet his baby brother and ofc I said ya. We went inside and he introduced me to his mom and then his brother Henry. We went to his room for a while then my mom Texted me and ask were I went. I told her I went to a friends. All she said was come back soon. He went live and stuff I just laughed at him the whole time. I had to leave and it was sad cause Henry was really cute.
Alex's POV
Henry was so mad when Amanda left. He was was obsessed with her. But after she left my mom was asking all these questions about her. After my mom was done asking all these questions I went to my room and went to bed 😂
Amanda's pov
I got home and my mom was up stairs. I went into the kitchen and decided I would make brownies cause why not. I set the oven then made the mix. I baked them for like 20 mins. I went on my phone while they baked. I saw a lot of hate like always. But then this one caught my eyes it was a edit of Alex and this girl ona. They looked super cute together. I wonder if they were a thing. I just tried to ignore it as much I could. My timer went off so I went down and let them cool down. I go up to my room and hear disturbing noises from my moms room. I was actually sacred. I went in my room and called Alex. We FaceTime a lot. I didn't wanna be at my house so I decided to just go the movies. I asked if Alex wanted to go and he said he could go if we brought Henry. I told it was fine. I got to his house then we went to the movies. Henry wanted to see incredibles 2. So yk that's what we did it was actually really funny. After that we got ice cream and then we obviously had to go. We got to there house and he asked if I wanted to stay the night but my mom didn't even know i left so i had to go home. When I got home my mom was waiting for me like I did something wrong
Our convo
M: mom
A: what did I do?
M you didn't tell me you left or where you were going so explain
A: I went to the movies and the only reason I didn't ask was cause you seemed pretty busy to me
M: well you know I'm aloud to do that.
A: MOM!!
M: alright I'm sorry hun but next time text me ok
A: ok fine, but who was it mom
M: non of your business.

I walked away and went up stairs. For some reason I couldn't stop thinking about Alex. I really did like him.

// ok so Ik I said I was gonna publishing this a new part every day but like I've been really busy. But I Kinda like this part so tell me what you think🤷🏽‍♀️. You probably think it's trash 😂//

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