Chapter 1 A Star is Born!

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Heya! I decided to start a new story... If it isn't too good I might decide to delete it! I have a basic idea of where it's going. This first chapter isn't very interesting but enjoy it anyway! Vote, comment, fan if you really like it! x

Picture of Amy at the side! --->


Absolute Star

Chapter 1 - A Star is Born!


~Friday 13:38~

“No way on earth will I play Alice!” I repeated to Miss Lee. She closed her eyes and sighed.

“You are by far the best singer in the whole year, plus you already have blonde hair so the school won’t have to buy a wig!” she replied. The whole hall was empty, as the whole year had already gone back into lessons.

“So just because I have blonde hair, you’re making me play Alice? That’s just a stupid excuse so you don’t have to spend money!”

It was true, I took singing lessons, but I wasn’t quite prepared for such extremes right now. Singing twelve solos in front of like three hundred people? No thanks. I took one step towards the door, when Miss Lee got down onto her knees.

“Please. I’m begging you Amy! Please play Alice!”

How could I say no to a teacher on her knees?

I rolled my eyes, and reluctantly agreed. This journey was going to be a long one.

~After School 15:56~

“Rachael! You coming round today?” I shouted to my best friend, who was standing next to a mob of boys, obviously trying to impress them. Well, Samuel Thompson was in the group. Samuel was by far the most popular guy in the year. He was good-looking, great at sport, and my rival. 

Every year in the end-of-year exams, I always come first. Except last year, when he transferred to Maple Tree High School. He beat me by an extra mark, simply because he told the teacher his answer deserved an extra point. Even though he was my rival, I secretly admired him.

Meanwhile, Rachael looked furious. The guys had found out that she was near them, and moved away. She stormed over to me and stamped her foot.

“You! Amy! What did you do that for?”

I was laughing so hard I couldn’t answer even if I wanted to! I held it in, but it escaped my lips again.

“Oh come on Ray, they would’ve found out about you anyway! So… you coming over?”

“Sure, whatever.”

~In Amy’s Room~

“If you want anything, just come down!” mum said before shutting the door.

“Yes mum!” I called after her.

“I can’t believe you were cast as Alice! I’m stuck with being the bloody dormouse!” Ray exclaimed, pouncing on my bed.

“I  know right? I can’t be bothered to learn all those lines…”

“Yeah, but think about it. Being on stage in front of all those people, who knows! Someone famous might spot you and ask you to be on Eastenders!”

“Whatever. It’s just a school play Ray, nothing special.”

I gazed out of the window, and saw a couple of people walk home. 

“You never know! It’s just in a couple of weeks - and on the actual day… you could become a star!” Ray said, putting her hands towards the sky and smiling.

I might actually become famous, I though. My eyes were fixed to an Oak tree. I thought of all those fans I could get, and Josh Hutcherson being at my play, cheering me on.

“Um… earth to Amy?” I heard Rachael call. I jolted out of my seat like a jumping bean and let out a sigh of relief when I saw her.

“Don’t scare me Ray!”

I got up and sat back down at my desk. Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door.

“It’s me, Eddie.”

I got up, and opened the door. Eddie was my older brother by three years. We were both super clever (not being vain or anything), and loved maths.

“What do you want?” I said with a slight tone of anger.

“Ooh, I hope I’m not intruding on a ‘girly talk’!”

I slapped his shoulder before letting him carry on.

“Well, I heard you got Alice!”

“How do you know?” I retorted. Had the news already gotten around?

“Really… you don’t know how fast this kinda stuff travels! Everyone in the entire school knows you’re going to be Alice! You’d better not mess up and make a show of me…”


“Oh I’m sure Amy will do just great! We’d hate it if you were shown up to your friends, right?” Ray interrupted. Argh… her crush for my brother still hadn’t died?

“Yep! Anyway, I’m leaving. You don’t seem to be in such a good mood sis! By the way, I have friends staying round tonight, so please don’t go upstairs. Adieu!” Eddie put his hand up, waved, then left. Ray almost fainted. I guess Eddie wasn’t too bad looking - but he was my brother.

“Can I stay round tonight Amy?” she whispered, pretending to be near her death.


“Then… I can? YAY! Let’s spy on your brother!”

How Ray loved spying on my brother. When we were seven, it was load of fun because Eddie would pretend he didn’t know we were there, then ‘find out’. He would jump up and we would laugh. Nowadays, it was a bit more awkward, since Ray had grown a crush for any guy she saw.

And with that, the day I found out I was Alice was… almost over.

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