Chapter 13 Not Convinced

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Absolute Star

Chapter 13 - Not Convinced


~Tuesday 16:22~ (When do I have lessons? I just skipped a whole day!)

“Hey mum,” I said as I walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a packet of bourbons before heading upstairs.

“Amy? Could I speak to you for a bit?” mum shouted. I stopped halfway up the stairs, and went back down again.

“What is it?”

“Darling, Eddie told us you were accepted into the White Agency. I’m very happy for you, but I’m not sure about you living there.”

“But mum - it’s vital! I can’t do anything there if I don’t live there! Plus we live ages away from the actual building, so firstly that would be a waste of petrol, and secondly a waste of time!” I replied. Damn it, why was she being like this? Just when I found out as well!

“Amy, you’re throwing away your future. Are you willing to throw all that knowledge away? You’re such a hard worker, it’d be a shame,” she said. I hesitated for a bit. She was right. I was throwing away my dream of becoming a maths professor.

“Who can tell me what five times two is?” Miss Hopkins asked. I was in my year two classroom at Masterson Primary.

My hand shot up at once. “Ooh, it’s ten!” I called. She praised me with a sticker, making me delighted.

“Well done Amy. Now, I’m sure none of you can tell me the five times table!”

“I know! It’s five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, thirty-”

“Amy! How do you know that? You must be the cleverest in the whole class!” Miss Hopkins gasped. I grinned as the whole class applauded me.

“Mum, remember the morning I told you about all this? You seemed quite pleased!” I said.

“Yes, but sweetheart, that was before I thought this was a reality. Once you’re famous, you really can’t go back. You probably also won’t be able to become a maths professor, either.”

“I know mum… it’s just I’m already at the stage where it’s too difficult to turn back. Now that I’ve heard that I passed, I’m just too excited! I promise I’ll still work hard mum!”

“Hun, it’s not that I’m not happy for you, it’s just living there at the age of fifteen… you aren’t of age to live away from your parents. You’ll be eighteen in three years time. Just wait that much longer - maybe six years since you might want to go to university.”

How was I going to get her to agree???

“It’s not like I’ll be on my own! There’ll be adults looking after me!” I fumed. Oh no. Mum was going to do it. Tears welled up in her eyes. “Look, I’m sorry mum, but can’t you just give me a chance? If it doesn’t work, the first thing I’ll do is go back to full-time studying, okay?” I said with a softer tone. I grabbed a tissue and gave it to her. My fingers scratched at the packet of bourbons as I went back upstairs. I got out the envelope from the White Agency, not realising there was a third piece of paper. It was memo-pad size, and had hand-writing on it. I took it out and read it.

Lillie Ashton, stylist, twenty-two.

Camilla Smith, stylist, twenty-four.

Ashley Sims, make-up, nineteen.

Coco Noelle, make-up, eighteen.

Scarlett Nightwalker, fashion, twenty-seven.

Indigo Harrison, organiser, thirty.

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