Chapter 3 The Star of the Show

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Absolute Star

Chapter 3 - The Star of the Show!


~The School Main Hall 2:20~

“Shh! Now, for the last rehearsal before the big show!” Miss Lee smiled, and clapped her hands together. She ran to the piano, and we began the last rehearsal. Those four weeks had gone past so quickly… And I had managed to learn all my lines. They weren’t perfect of course, but I knew what to say when.

The run through went just fine, especially my scene with the king. I was quite nervous about it, but I carried on anyway. I gazed into Samuels eyes as he spoke, making sure I wasn’t too far from earth. My solos went fine, I could almost see the jealous faces around me.

I took a couple of deep breaths after the run through, as Ray came running. She immediately took off her mouse suit.

“That thing is made to kill! I was sweating so much!” She burst out. I laughed, looking at her forehead with sweat falling down the sides of her face. 

Suddenly, Samuel approached us. My heart skipped a beat as he opened his mouth.

“Can I speak to you for a second Amy?”

I bit my lip. My eyes darted to Ray, who gave me a ‘just go for it!’ look. I half-smiled and went with him to the corner of the hall. I could just about see Miss Lea telling Ray off for slacking in her scene. That made me laugh.

“What’s so funny?” Samuel said with his sexy voice.

“N-nothing,” I replied. I turned to look at him.

“Being Alice is hard, I know. You’re great in all the other scenes but in mine you look scared. Am I scary?”

Shit… was it that obvious?

“You’re not scary!” I quickly answered. A bit too quick in fact.

“So, I am? What should I do to not be scary?”

I gulped. This was the first actual conversation with the ‘prince’. That was my secret name for him. He was several centimetres taller than me so I had to tilt my head to talk to him.

“Look. Just do your best tonight. You’re a great singer too. Just - please don’t let everyone down with my scene. You’ll make yourself look bad, and me too.”

You’ll make yourself look bad, and me too.

I’ll make him look bad? My heart stopped for a second. But at least he gave me some strength. He even said I was a great singer.

“O-okay, I’ll do my best,” I replied meekly. “Bye then,” I said quickly, returning to Ray’s side.

“How did it go?” she asked, bounding on me.

“He just told me not to be so scared in his scene…”

“Ugh, boys! Even so, you gotta love ‘em!”

~The School Main Hall 19:15~

“Welcome everyone, to our year ten production of Alice in Wonderland!” Mrs Willow announced. She was the headmistress.

The audience clapped. I was behind the red curtain, waiting for it to open.


My body burned up with blood as I approached Samuel for the last king scene, in the judge room. I was next to Ray, and she gave me a reassuring smile.

“Silence in the court!” the white rabbit shouted.

“Herald, read the accusation!” Samuel said.

As it went on, I wasn’t really part of it.

“I wish you wouldn’t squeeze so,” Ray said. “I can hardly breathe.”

Then we began quarrelling. 

Then Ray left towards the other side of the stage.

Then it was my part.

I spoke as clearly as I could, knowing mum, dad, Eddie and Ammy were in the crowd. I noticed four men in the front row with sunglasses on. In the middle there was a woman, possibly in her mid-twenties.

I tried to ignore her, and carry on. But all my attention was set on her.

Before I knew it, cards were thrown all over me, causing me to jolt. I had remembered all my lines without thinking!

“Wake up, Alice dear!” Jessica said, shaking me.

“Oh I’ve had such a curious dream!” I replied, yawning.

Then, it was the end. I smiled with relief, and stood up holding hands with Jessica. She grinned as usual, and we bowed before going off stage. As soon as we were out of sight, I sighed and sat down. Almost immediately, the four  men in sunglasses and the woman came over to me.

The woman was wearing a black pencil skirt and a green easy fit shirt. Her make up was done so professionally, and her hair was in the prettiest bun I had ever seen. She had green stilettos on and a black Burberry handbag. Rich, or what?

“Hello. My name is Rosalind. You are…”


“Amy. Well, I thought your acting skills were amazing! And your singing is like an angel… If you ever want to become a teen idol, give me a ring. Here’s my card.”

And with that, she left me and a card which said

Rosalind ‘?’

White Agency

01234 771 772

07777 100 200

I looked at it, tilting my head. Something about this card was strange. I though hard about what it could be, but four hugs replaced my thoughts.



Hey, Amy here! Wasn't that lady strange? I'm going to their company headquarters tomorrow! Who knows what will await me there... She said that if I wanted to be a teen idol, I could call her, right? So... is this the beginning of a new journey?

Next chapter - Chapter 4 The White Agency

Picture of Rachael at the side! =P

Absolute Star!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora