Chapter 19 New York, Here I Come!

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Absolute Star

Chapter 19 New York, Here I Come!


~Heathrow Airport 19:30~

“Please board the KN9164 flight to New York, I repeat please board the KN9164 flight to New York!” a woman said through the intercom. I threw my empty water bottle in the bin and dragged my super big suitcase to the boarding entrance. Peter was behind me signing autographs and taking pictures with fans. I had already done my share.

After walking the whole tunnel to the plane, we got on. In two business seats! I had never been in one, and therefore was surprised at the comfort it gave me. I immediately switched on the TV and scrolled down the list of films. Awesome! They had Snow White and the Huntsman! I also checked that everything was in my bag, then went to the loo. I couldn’t believe that even though I was in a business class seat I didn’t get to use a business class loo! It was the usual, tight loo that scared me half to death when it flushed. I washed my hands in the miniature sink, then went back out. A girl screamed then asked for my signature. I signed it with a smile, then went back to my seat.  It was already eight forty according to my watch but soon I would have to change it to five hours ago. That didn’t make sense did it…

Peter was busy watching Family Guy so I switched to the music channel. Wait - was that my song? Next to Samuels?! I quickly pressed it and watched the video I had filmed just a few days ago. The final effect was pretty good in my opinion! Though I blushed a little when realising I was watching my own video. Samuel’s was really good and made my heart melt a little at the thought of seeing him in just a few more hours.

At around ten I dozed off. Then I was awoken by Peter who gave me a chocolate bar.

“Eat it, unless you have travel sickness,” he said. I had already taken my travel sickness pills but I still didn’t trust my stomach to cope with it. So I refused the chocolate bar but saved it for later. Then I noticed he had a camera.

“Why do you have your camera out? If you didn’t know, we’re not in New York yet,” I noted.

“Yes but this is the first time I’ve been on a plane. So I want to take some pictures to remember it, if I ever get amnesia and forget everything.”

I shook my head, sighing, then got my book out. Snippet of Life by Nina Davidson.

He took out a gun and shot me straight in the chest. Well, that was probably the only good thing about him - he could aim well. I fell from the canyon ledge into the pit of darkness. That was when I knew my life had to be over - for good.

But when I woke up a new feeling overcame me. I felt so new for some reason, and then the doctor told me. I had been sleeping for three whole years. It was crazy - three years of my life wasted just like that. But then he said I had lost fragments of my memory which were sitting at the very back of my head, and had to try and get them back otherwise they would be lost forever. So I tried as hard as I could to get them back, by visiting my family, old friends and all the places I had ever been. That was when everything returned to me, and when I finally managed to write about my experience at the Frozen Canyon. A bad experience at that.

He was jailed for life, but I visited him. We talked things over and he explained he was only trying to scare me, but the pushed the trigger by accident. I forgave him in the end but didn’t manage to bail him out. I am now married to a great husband who thinks nothing of my accident because it simply did not affect me. I’m still the same person I was three years ago, in fact I’m better.

After finished that sentence, an air hostess asked me if I wanted tea. I refused, knowing I would probably puke all over the place and be on the front page of a newspaper. Danny would actually kill me if that happened!

Absolute Star!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora