Chapter Nine: It's the sort of thing you'd read in a Teen Fiction Novel.

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You could say my shopping trip with Maria was eventful. I somehow managed to spend too much money on clothes I didn't need and now my wallet is thoroughly damaged by the catastrophic amount of money I wasted. Along with that, I received a rather demanding and rude phone call from Grant- trust him to strike at the wrong time.

Sighing, I slide down my bed and let my arm fall over my face, obscuring the bright light that was burning my eyes. The incense I lit in my room earlier does nothing to calm my nerves as I think back to Grant's words the moment I picked up my mobile- he was blunt; it was by far the shittiest and assholiest way he has spoken to me so far. I still remember his words perfectly, not forgetting the fact he sounded like he didn't give two shits. It was clear that he really didn't want to be talking to me (I felt exactly the same way- I was half-dressed and still hadn't received the coffee Maria promised me).

There was a moment when I thought about cutting him off and leaving him high and dry.

I curse my curiosity to high heaven.

"Kendall, I have decided to take you out on a date," he muttered and I rolled my eyes because...who wouldn't roll their eyes at him? He was being a prick and I was in the middle of trying on a really adorable jumper from Primark.

"OK," I tried to let his words sink in but they didn't get further than the soft cotton cami top I was wearing; I was far too busy checking myself out in the full-length mirror.

What? A girl's gotta look good. Especially with my reputation- as Maria keeps reminding me.

"So I'll meet you at your house at seven tomorrow. Just text me your address and you should probably wear a cocktail dress 'cause we're going to the Devire." Grant cut off the phone before I could object to his offer- if you could even call it that. I threw my phone onto the large pile of clothes and tried not to curse out loud.

Maria then decided it was the perfect time to push her head through the curtain and raise her eyebrows. "So I guess we have to get a fancy dress for you now?"

I let my eyes wander to the deep red dress hanging off my wardrobe door and sigh again. It was stupidly ridiculous for Grant to be so sure that I would even want to go on a date with him. But I guess it was part of the deal and I'm gonna go out on a whim and suggest that maybe he has never been denied a lavish date by a girl.

Heck, even guys wouldn't deny a date from Grant- straight or not.

And maybe I was being mean. I did have a tendency to shut out people that I really don't like.

I'm not gonna say hate because I really am trying to work on being a better person.

Starting now. Or maybe tomorrow. Or next week. Let's just assume it won't happen for a while.

The only good thing about the situation was that when Grant stole my phone he hadn't acted like those stupid immature guys from teen novels. He'd just typed in 'Grant' with a smiley face. So all I had to do was delete the smiley face. He's lucky I didn't delete the whole thing and type 'The Worlds Largest Asshole'.

See, I'm getting better already.

I grab my Oreos from the side table next to my bed and begin shovelling them into my mouth. I'd be happy if I could eat so many that I don't fit into the slinky red cocktail dress Maria chose- apparently it had made my ass look good (not that I could see so I didn't quite get why it mattered so much but maybe Grant would appreciate it- that was her counter argument that I really couldn't dispute). The chocolaty deliciousness is making me delirious and I sigh once again- more of a moan- and pull off my fluffy socks to flex my feet.

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