Chapter 1: The Louis

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Theft [theft] n. the act of stealing; the wrongful taking and carrying away of the personal goods or property of another; larceny.


Chapter one: The Louis

Louis enjoyed very much his time smoking the pot that Zayn would roll up with his meticulous fingers. Rarely did they skip that ritual of the day.

And so there were the two of them, leaning against a wall where the sun hit.

Louis dragged from the blunt in between his fingers, as he stared into the distance, taking long deep relaxing breaths.

The rays shone on his face. One of those rare days where it actually resembled summer in Bradford.

Zayn sat agaisnt the wall as well, right next to him, rolling yet again a cigar as Louis practically finished the first one he made.

They remained silent. They usually did, now that they moved in together and conversation topics lacked.

The two boys were fine with it, enjoying the silence that came to them naturally, unworried and unfazed.

Zayn specially since he loved his time for comtemplation, and Louis was his favourite person to comtemplate.

He liked to watch as the blue-eyed boy sipped his coffee in the mornings, or spoke rapidly when excited, or blew the smoke out of his lungs sexily, a look of pleasure in his face.

"Sorry for ending this one." Louis surprised Zayn when he spoke, as he caught him looking(staring) and felt the need to apologize.

"It's fine." Zayn shrugged.

"I like your hair like that." Louis commented smiling slightly, before dropping the butt of the cigar on the ground, and stepping on it.

Zayn's heart skipped a beat unwillingly. "You do?" his voice squeaked.

"Yeah, you look good blonde and buzzed." Louis smirk grew. He leaned his head against the wall, closing his eyes and enjoying the sun as it warmed his skin. He took a deep visible breath. "I'm so bored."

"You could come party with me later." Zayn suggested as smoke left his lips. He glanced up at Louis, who laughed shaking his head no.

"I know where you party, Zayn. Not happening." Louis's eyes widened as he thought about it more and more.

"Whatever." Zayn mumbled, looking down as he scratched some stain off his shoe.

"Are you going to sulk again?" Louis looked at the boy, wind blowing on his face. Zayn presented no reaction. "Hey." Louis called. "You're okay?"

"Fine." Zayn slid his back up the wall, standing.

Louis was surprised to see water filled eyes. "Zayn, what is it?" Now rush and worry filled the smaller boy's voice.

His hand came in contact with Zayn's shoulder. "Safaa called." Tears poured and Zayn caught them quickly trying to cover up, even though it was clear to Louis that the boy was weeping.

"Whah? When?"

"Last night." Zayn's voice was a squeaky whisper.

"What did she say?" Louis didn't want to pressure, but his ache for all that hurt Zayn made him want to know, it worried the hell out of Louis.

"She misses me and hopes I'm going okay." From that point on he didn't even hide it anymore, pressing his face on the crook of Louis neck, shaking, taking the boy by surprise.

Louis wrapped his arms around the boy protectively. "One day we'll get out of this shitty place. Out of this shitty life. I promise you that."

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