Chapter 2: The Zayn

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"One does not become
enlightened by imagining figures of light but by making the darkness conscious."

- Carl Jung


(WARNING: Explicit description of drug abuse, strong language.)

Chapter 2: The Zayn

Zayn layed his head back. He didn't know if he was flying, or simply floating. He felt his muscles relaxed. He felt great.

Around screams were heard, but he felt relaxed, almost dozing off.

"What the fuck did he take?" Louis shouted at Ashton, a tall curly haired lad that could be Australian according to Louis's short but keen observations.

"I don't know... like-hum some sleeping pills. He was on coke, I thought he just wanted to relax." The boy was scared, his green eyes widenned, his pupils dialated and his hands were shaking.

"Vicodin, right?" Louis took his hand to his hip, and with the other massaged his temple, taking long deep breaths.

Ashton nodded.

"Okay, did he drink any alcohol?" Louis asked, hurry filling his voice.

"Just a vodka." Ashton shrugged his shoulders.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Louie's hand gripped into fists, his knuckles whiter than flour, only to keep himself strangling the stupid fucker. "Call an ambulance right now!" He screamed at the poor boy that ran to his jacket in search of his phone.

"Zayn! Are you hearing me?" Louis tried so hard not to cry as he saw that Zayn looked beyond it. He slapped his face countless times trying to keep him awake.

"Zayn! Stay fucking awake!" Zayn's eyes fluttered open, he was awake but Louis couldn't forget Malik almost went into a coma for this mix before. "Hey! Hey.... We are gonna get your stomach pumped! Cool, hah?" Tears ran down Louie's cheeks as he kept Zayn's head between his hands, sitting beside him.

"Louie..." the boy spoke dreamingly.

"Who fucking sold you the drugs? Was it this prick?" Louis looked over to Ashton speaking worriedly on the phone.

"No..." He laughed.

"Zayn, this can't repeat itself okay?" Louis said before Zayn closed his eyes again.

Louis ran to Ashton. "So?"

"Five minutes." Ashton answered before he hang up the phone.

"Oh, by the way, you can't see Zayn again. It was good meeting you." Louis patted his back before running back to Zayn, looking like a humping rabbit jumping around.

"What the fuck?" Ashton followed him.

"People Zayn is allowed to see are people who don't let him do drugs. You let him, you have to go." Ashton noticed the bitterness, and sarcastic tone the smaller boy was using on him, and he didn't appreciate it.

Louis took Zayn's hand in his, looking at the boy's face. He was smiling. As long as he wasn't overdosing...

"You're not his mother, okay?" Ashton yelled.

"He's an addict, you fuckin' idiot!" Louis turned back to stare him in the eyes, the veins in his neck becaming proeminent.

"Oh..." Ashton went and sat next to Zayn, looking directly to Louis. "I didn't know that."

"Do you think the ambulance is going to take long?" Louis asked as he grasped Zayn's arm. "Zayn, keep your eyes open, will you?"

Zayn looked at Louis. "You're my favourite person in the entire world." He said.

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