Chapter 11: Here's to comebacks

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"You could have stayed away, but the universe had other plans for us."


Chapter 11:
Here's to comebacks

Louie huffed discreetly before putting an empty smile to hand a mother the bag with the toy her child wanted.

He usually didn't enjoy his job very much simply because it felt like an overused routine. It had no excitment, no thrill. It was just plain. However it payed nicely since it was in a better part of town and that, sadly made up for everything else. So he endured it, because it was a necessity.

"Enjoy!" Louie waved until they walked out before falling over the counter with his arms and resting his face in the between them, grunting.

He was tired, annoyed and he couldn't stop thinking about Harry. He planned to find him. To figure out all this built up antecipation to simply know more about him, to listen to him talk, because there was something so peaceful about the way Harry talked.

"Louie!" Someone called behind him.

He turned concluding it was Michael and he was right. His boss stood close to the door frame of his office waiting for Louie to spot him.

"Come here." He motioned with his hand and Louie, finding it odd, walked over following the man inside.

"Close the door." He said as he sat in his armchair and Louie did so, sitting across the desk after.

"What is it, Mic?" He rubbed his hands together. This sort of situation was unusual.

"We need to talk." He declared making Louie immediately unravel the scenarios.

"What about?"

"I have to be honest with you. Bad days are coming. We are going to have a lot of buget cuts around here, and you have been slacking off-"

"You're firing me." Louie interrupted rolling his eyes, with a smile of desbelief.

"Will you just liste-"

"You are firing me."

"Louie, just-"

"Aren't you?"

"Well, ...yes."

"Fuck you, Michael. Fuck you." He got up and shouted in his face, pondering the possibility of throwing his chair to the man's head.

"I'm sorry. We can't afford to keep you, Louie. Plus, you always smell like hash. It startles the costumers."

"You know I need this job."

"I'm sorry, Louie." He said, but the furious boy was already making his way to the door. "Don't you want your last pay check?"

So he stopped right in the spot, and pondered. But there was no arguing. It was't smart to deny it, obviously.'

So he turned around and snatched the paper off Michael's hand before walking out of the office, and the store, completely pissed.

Before any panic started to sink in.

Niall woke up at ten a.m. sharp that dat feeling well rested. He took a warm shower, got dressed and ate breakfast before turning on his computer.

Although he was in a good mood that morning, he remembered that he dreamt of Eileen again last night.

Since the last time he saw her, he actually started feeling better. He still longed for her, and thought of her, specially when he was in the shower but not on an obcessive tone. He didn't stalk her online anymore.

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