Chapter 10: The Relapse

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(Warning: Vomit , drug abuse including needles and graphic discriptions on this chapter.)

Chapter 10: The Relapse

Liam woke up with his head pouding.

It was rare for him to awake with a strong hangover, he usually didn't get those. But that morning, his head was throbbing in agonizing pain.

The room around him stenched. Booze and smoke and some other nasty smell, acidic, horrible, mixed in a combo that made Liam sick to his stomach.

He slowly tried to get up, feeling all of his limbs hurt, trying his best not to open his eyes completely after realising he had left his blinds open, and the sun was shinning in like a bitch. He sat up slowly, noticing the lack of clothes on his body, and the amount of people snoring around his bedroom. Did he have sex with all of them?

He couldn't remember. Most of last night's party was a blur.

All he remebered was a pretty eyed boy, and how he took him to the roof and trully tried to console him.

And then he got angry and stormed off. Boy, that was stupid!

Liam didn't want to think about his ridiculous behavior. It killed him to think of how selfish he was. He wouldn't come to terms with it. But he was sure that sooner or later he'd realise in full extent what he had done to his dad, to his best friend, to his past boyfriend, to his sister, to his mom. To all the people in his life that he either pushed away or made them hate him.

And that day would be the worse day of his pathetic life. Worse then when his dad died.

So Liam crawled out of bed, his head making him dizzy, his stomach twirling and a gag reflex made him run to the adjoined bathroom and get his head on the toilet to release what was probably the worst tasting liquid ever.

The chunky and colorful puke flew out of him, making Liam cringe and feel dirty and disgusting. Liam thought he was going to die. His eyes pressed shut as another gag reflex kicked in making him open his mouth to expel more of it.

Liam wasn't sure if he had passed out during it, or if it was so bad his brain blocked the memory immediately.

Either way he slowly got up feeling lightheaded as he stumbled his way to the bathroom's sink cleaning his mouth with water, before taking some in his hands and splashing it cold against his face.

"Fuck!" He hissed at the stinging feeling before regaining his strengh and looking down to search for an aspirin in the drawers bellow the sink.

Finally, he found the pills and took two with a sip of water before walking out of the room.

Every one was still asleep and he managed to get to the kitchen without falling over something, even though his mind lacked clarity.

Who had fucking opened every single blind in the fucking apartment?

Liam took lazy steps to the fridge and opening it's doors, he grabbed the carton of orange juice, his hand coming in contact with the cold, making Liam shiver. He opened the carton and drank furiously from it before shoving it back in it's place and shutting the fridge closed.

His head was still thobbing. He wanted to die just to stop suffering like a bitch. Closing his eyes, he leaned against the fridge, baring the pain, feeling the horrid smell that the party he threw last night had left still.

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