Chapter 6: The robbery

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"When a man is denied the right to
live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to became an outlaw."


Chapter 6: The robbery

Louis walked down the dark streets as Zayn and Harry tagged along.

He wasn't really sure why Harry tagged along yet. He was just there and, despite Zayn clearly being pissed about why he wouldn't leave, Louis didn't want him to go.

They would talk about small insignificant things after Louis arrived from work, Harry would crash on the couch when he came home late and yesterday he had bought strawberries.

So there they were, in the cold night of Bradford, walking down a dim-lighted alley full of graffiti covered buildings.

Their steps were slow and relaxed, as Zayn smoked while comtemplating the drawings on the bricked walls and Louis and Harry discussed the movie they previously watched.

This particular Monday everything was quiet. It was a work day and people were already inside their homes, probably sound asleep. The three, however, bought some pot and planned to, after smoking a bit of the batch, head to a sketchy burger place Zayn liked.

Above all else Zayn felt like he had to leavs his anger behind after his severe spat with Louis. Maybe it was wrong of him to tell his best friend. It ceirtainly wasn't Louis's fault and Zayn was putting his weight on Louis. He knew it wasn't reciprocal. Maybe he ruined everything.

He still loved him, and it was painful to watch Louie being so infatuated with another male. Zayn kept wishing there was a 'but' to that sentence and that misery, but there wasn't. At least he didn't feel empty anymore, he felt invadaded with pain. Although the thought of doing drugs was one he contemplated often.

So that conclusion came the only thing he felt good about. Loving Louis was bad for him because he felt empty. Now that he got rejected, the world, however dark and cold, felt full of possibilities. Like that caramel boy that walked in the store, and took his shirt off for a shoulder tattoo of one of Zayn's drawings. He almost couldn't concentrate.

Now that was a possibility! Even if Zayn didn't ask him his number, or they barely talked because it was either do his job or get absolutely lost in each other's eyes.

He immediately regretted letting that possibility go.

"Don't you think so, Zayn?" Louie asked trying to include him in the conversation, perhaps for feeling guilty about all this.


Zayn looked up, from his thoughts, without a clue of what they were talking about.

"That monologue in the movie." Louis said.

"What about it?"

"Don't you think he was lying for the most part?" Louis insisted in bringing him in their talk. He knew Zayn was just a quiet person, but he couldn't stop worrying about how things were going up in his head and he was also afraid to ask. His head couldn't stop wondering if this was the end of their friendship or just a rough time.

"Nah, he wasn't lying." Zayn shook his head before looking at the road in front as Louis tried to make eye contact with him.

Was he overthinking this? "That is the mystery of the movie, Lou." Harry reminded him, smiling. Louis's insides churned. The beautiful boy that he could get basicallg nothing out of, had manage to find somewhat of a pet name for him. Lou.

Zayn ignored what Harry said. "He says the truth because that is the way he frees himself. They just pass her doubt to the viewer but he didn't need to lie in that part. Actually, what he needed was to say the truth." Zayn answered throwing the butt of the cigarette to the left.

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