Chapter 9: The Surprise departure

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"To love an addict is to
run out of tears."


Chapter 9: The Surprise Departure

Zayn knew in his head Liam's anger was not directed towards him. However he could not shake the hurt in his heart that he actually let his guard down and his vulnerability was met with aggression.

It was hard to swallow and he questioned if he should follow him or give him air because he didn't know Liam and Liam's needs.

The surprise that came to Zayn when Liam cried was indicator of that. It hurt beyond belief.

Why did this world ruin everything that was pure and perfect?

He found himself thinking that maybe Liam only needed consolation. His feet were already dragging him back to the party, back to reality, when his only wish was that Liam had stayed and talked to him.

Because Zayn understood. Zayn understood the need to hide. The need to run.

But as he didn't want to hide from Liam and he wanted Liam to not run from him.

The party was as loud, or even more then when Zayn left.

He walked right in, looking around at every face, hoping to spot Liam. Instead he found Louie. "Hey, we've been looking for you." Louis cheerful tone was not missed. He wore a smile and behind him stood Harry, with a smile as well.

"Sorry. Look, have you seen Liam?" Zayn asked, ignoring the sting of their hapiness contrasting Zayn's misery and focused on the true urgency.

"Payno? He's here?" Louis asked looking around as Zayn huffed. They hadn't seen him... "You two friends now?" Louis asked curious as to why Zayn cared in the first place.

"No." Zayn didn't understand the curiosity, but the frown in Louis's face didn't go unnoticed as it was such a change from his previous good mood.

"Look, we're going home. Wanna come or not?"
Louis said in what sounded like a scowl raising his eyebrows, impatientely awaiting a response from his best friend.

"I'll go later. Don't worry." Zayn calmly said as he looked around.

"Are you sure?" Louis pressed.

Zayn didn't even hear him. The music was really loud and he wanted to find Liam.

"Zayn!" Louis called grabbing his shoulder.

"Hum?" He turned back his focus to Louie.

"Are you sure you wanna stay?" Louis gazed intently into his friend's eyes.

Zayn got a little lost. He looked into Louie's eyes and he wanted to go. He also wanted to see if Liam was alright.

Louie had found Harry. And he wished he knew if they could recover from this. But Zayn didn't see a friendship when he thought of Louie.

He saw someone he thought of holding, and loving, and... he wanted to see what Louie and him could be.

But he couldn't. And he'd never get a chance to. "You don't need to worry about me, Louis. I'm not a child."

"Fine. Have it your way!" Louis's jaw clenched and he stormed off leaving Harry behind with raised eyebrows.

Zayn looked up at him, eyes and chest lightly burning. "Stay out of trouble." Harry's tone, not only was deep and hoarse but it sounded sincere. If only Zayn wasn't feeling so horrible, he could have appreciated the gesture.

Eventually, after Harry started feeling how the moment got awkward he smiled and followed to where Louis had vanished.

Zayn's insides were in raging flames.

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