Chapter 7: The Negotiation

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" ...the first kiss does not occur
with the mouth, but with the eyes."


Chapter 7: The Negotiation

Liam didn't think twice. He stroke a punch straight to Louis's jaw making the smaller boy fall backwards.

"What the fuck?" Niall yelled as Liam looked shocked with himself watching Louis wince on the ground before turning to Niall who caught his attention.

"I panicked." Liam admitted with a screechy tone, not noticing that Louis got up and was about to jump on him.

The smaller and noticeably weaker boy threw himself over the muscular hunk, making them both fall on the ground with a thud. "Shouldn't have done that, Payno." Louis steadied himself on top on Liam, wrestling with him sloppilly to keep with Liam's back on the wood floor.

Louis made a weak lunge at Liam, who fought him off rather easily.

Zayn was worried at Louis's disavantage but mostly him and the other two just looked amongst themselves trying to decide what to do in the unconfortable situation.

"Give me the key." Liam grunted trying to push Louis off, so he could be on top.

"No!" Louis exhaled as Liam grabbed him by the shoulders, and tugged on his clothes, grabbing him up and and ramming him into a wall.

They exchanged body blows and punches as their scuffle got even weirder before someone could put an end to it.

"Okay, this is ridiculous. Just stop it." Zayn said getting in the middle, his expression of uncomfort clear in his face as he tried to duck from any possible jab.

He pressed both hands on each chest pushing them apart until they relaxed, their breathing loud and heavy. "Are you alright?" Zayn said when he noticed the cut on Louie's lower lip. He looked oddly cute, wincing at the pain as he tried to stanch the blood his his fingers.

Liam however looked untouched,... or like he had just had sex. His hair was messy and his exposed skin shiny from the tiniest break of sweat, but he was pretty much unaffected. He looked great actually, sexy even, Zayn thought as he smiled shortly at him before returning his focus back to Louie.

"Maybe try resolving this without fighting pathetically?" Zayn suggested with a low voice, meant for only his bestie to heard before backing off.

Louis cleaned imaginary dust off his shoulder, and looked up with a clenched jaw and a pout, trying to look tough.

"Every one good?" Niall asked out of awkwardness.

Liam and Louie nodded their heads looking each other dead in the eye. "Look, the probabilities of you being acused of anything are practically zero, if you really covered up your tracks as nicely as you put it." Louis pushed light on Liam's chest as a clear provocation but before Liam could do anything, he strolled away speaking loudly. "Plus there is no possible link to us since I'm the only one who knew you two before. We shut our mouths and most likely nothing happens. If you let us go, of course." Louis diverted to make glances at the others. Everyone seemed to think the same thing.

"Yeah, they will never even have a way off telling if the alarm went off accidentally. There's no sign of forced entry! This was just an over reaction." Niall added as he got back to the computer.

"Everyone agrees?" Louis asked checking around at all their expressions.

"What if there's a problem?" Liam asked.

"There won't."

Zayn thrusted his hips to the loud music, closing his eyes, feeling the hot sweating bodies sway to the rythem around him. The old apartment was barely lit and filled with people. The room smelled like smoke and horniness.

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