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"Why does he have to be so rude?!"
I sang loudly as Unice opens the door to our new room.

The walls are white and there are two identical black beds with purple furniture.

I drop my bag onto the floor, and lay on the bed, while Unice looks around the room.

"Please don't tell me he's always a jack ass." I whined turning my side to face her.

"He's like that to everyone El." She sighed as she went onto her phone and sat on her bed.

The memory of him with a girl flooded back into my brain.
I almost threw up at the image.

He's disgusting.

"Does he always do that.. Y'know .. With girls?" I asked while making gestures with my hands.

"Yeah he messes with girls allot." She sighed and kicked off her shoes.

"Gross." I responded and took off my shoes as well and went under the blanket.

"Goodnight Unice."

"Good night ,princess." she imatated Harry's voice.

"Urgh, not you too!" I pouted.

She giggled and I soon joined her before drifting into sleep.

I dreamed of being in a world full of just purple.

My eyes widened once I heard loud banging on the door.
I sprung up out of bed almost falling.

I turned to see my sister still sound asleep. She was always a heavy sleeper.

I moved out of bed and slowly opened the door.

There standing was the mop headed jerk.

"Can I help you?" I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms.

"Change of plans princess, training starts now. Get dressed and meet me in my room." He demanded as he turned and walked away.

I mentally attacked him for waking me up so early but I knew that if i did so, I would be living on the streets.

I closed my door and grabbed my bag and changed my clothes.

I had put on a Beatles shirt and black skinny jeans. Since I didn't have much purple, I just borrowed my sister's purple vans. My hair was once again in a bun.

I sighed as I finally left the room.

I looked down stairs from the railing to see it was surprisingly clean.

There was soft rock music playing which made me happy ,considering everytime I heared rap or hip hop, I would get a headache.

I walked down the hall and stood infront of the gates of hell and opened it.

If I knocked, I would be waiting for hours.

There he was sitting on his bed waiting for me. He stood up and made his way to me.

"Morning Princess." he greeted.

"Hi Harry." I yawned.

"Alright well first I'm going to give you a tour of the place since this is your first visit. Sound good?" He asked.

I nodded as we left his room.

"Most of the rooms here are bedrooms, a lot of the members are homeless or once homeless either way they just stay here," He says while we walk downstairs.

We walked up to the bar in the corner of the downstairs.

"One of our members, Zayn, works here. He's the best drink mixer around." He saids while turning to walk away from the bar.

"I've met him before." I sigh as I walk behind him.

He ignores what I say and walks down a hallway and into a room.

The familiar smell of weed hitting my nostrils making me want to gag.

Weed smelt like a guy that hasn't taken a shower in months and sits in freshly cut grass all day.

In other words, it was disgusting.

"This is the area where we create our drugs and stash them into bags keeping them safely sealed until somone wants to purchase it." He says while giving a nod to some of the members wearing gloves.

They were weighing amounts of weed and then putting them into bags while others did the same with other drugs.

"Don't you think its a bit dangerous to have all drugs in one room?" I asked him while pinching my nose.

"We have separate labs for creating each drug princess, don't worry about it." He chuckled.

I glared at him and sighed while watching them put bags filled with drugs into crates.

"Hey!" Harry shouted while storming off into the room.
The room was quiet and everyone stopped what they were doing and focused on Harry.
He was standing in front of a boy that was sitting on a chair smoking weed.
Harry looked like his eyes were going to pop out of his skull.

"Just what the hell are you doing?!" Hary shouted.

The boy just looked up at Harry and giggled softly while taking another hit.
Harry grabbed the blunt and threw it across the room.
People mouthed 'oh shit' once Harry did the act.

"Ever heard of not getting high on your own supply? " Harry shouted.

The boy scratched his black hair and poked Harry's face.

Harry blinked a few times trying to understand what the boy just did.

"Get the fuck out now!" Harry yelled and gritted his teeth.
The boy shrugged and grabbed the bag of weed and walked out past me.

Harry soon calmed down and everyone went back to working.
Harry sighed as he walked back to me.

"That was Calum ,sorry. He tends to never surprise me." He chuckles.
He pulled me by my hand out of the room and later showed me the labs for each drug.
Then he showed me the room where we have all of our guns and weapons.

"Oh hey love! " Niall shouted and jumped up and hugged me.
I slowly hugged him back and smiled.
Harry looked pissed.

"Are you giving her a tour ,mate?" Niall asked Harry ignoring his angry face.
Harry opened his mouth to speak but ,before he could, Niall started to talk again.

"Well this is where the magic happens! I know absolutely everything about weapons so if you need any help or questions just come by babe." Niall cheered and giggled.

"Can I do archery?!" I shouted.
I saw a bow and a bag of arrows hanging on a wall.
It looked amazing and I just knew I had to use it.

"Why, so you can go hunting? " Harry chuckled and I rolled my eyes at him.
I don't care if he makes fun of me because I will get my hands on that bow.
"We will see you later ,Niall."
Harry faked yawned.
I glared at him and then gave Niall another hug.
"Bye Niall!" I shouted as we walked out of the room.

Harry rolled his eyes as we walked down the hallway and then stopped.
"So um are you hungry?" he asked while scratching the back the of his neck.

"Yeah I'm pretty hungry.." I replied.

It was almost 12 and we haven't eaten breakfast yet.
Well at least I haven't.


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