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I followed Harry back into the main room of the place and he took a seat on one of the white leathered couches that surrounded us.

"Where would you like to eat at Princess?" He asked while playing with one of the curls in his hair.

"Could you stop calling me that?" I snapped. I scooted far away from him and put my legs on the black coffee table in front of us.

"Yeah, you're right, a burger sounds really good right now." He smirked as he got off of the couch and pulled me up.

I rolled my eyes as I followed him out of the church and behind it to see a bright purple car with black painted flames.

"Ladies first." Harry stated as I stopped staring at it and finally went inside.

He soon joined and we started driving away from the church.

"So how old are you princess?"

Harry asked as he turned the radio on playing hip-hop.

I rolled my eyes at the choice of such a lame genre, "I'm sixteen." I responded and changed the station to rock music.

He only shrugged at the music and kept driving.

"How old are you ,Harry?" I asked once we were at a red light.

"I'm twenty one." He sighed and soon continued driving.

"Oh cool you're old enough drink!" I mentioned trying to make conversation.

"I don't drink." He sighed.

"Really? Why not?"

"I only drink when I have to."


Great way to make things really awkward.

He finally drove up to a parking lot in front of a Burger place.

I followed him out of the car and into the place.

Soft pop music was playing in the cold restaurant that was filled with conversations.

"What do you want to order?" Harry whispered in my ear making me jump.

I ordered a number one which was a burger and fries with a soft drink.

He ordered something similar, but bigger. Once we recieved our food, we sat down at a small table next to a window.

"So, later on today I'm going to show you around the neighbourhood and tell you which place to go to and which place you shouldn't " He said in between in bites of his food.

" Dangerous?" I questioned while siping my sprite.

"It's dangerous out there. Especially sense you are a part of saints row now."

I sighed as I continued to eat my food.


"Are you enjoying Saints Row so far?" He asked as we walked back to the car.

"It's.. Alright."


"Yeah ,I mean it's cool and all, it's just different."

He simply nodded and pulled out of the parking lot.

He slowly started driving down the street.

"See this tomato right here?" Harry whispered pointing to a girl dressed in all red on a motercycle next to us.

"Why would you feel the need to use the term 'tomato'?" I whispered back and covered my mouth trying to hold in laughter.

He glared at me and rolled his eyes before speaking, "She's apart of The Ultor gang".

"They've been out for awhile you probably don't want to mess with them, the leader is a prick. " He hissed as he sped up away from the enemy.

We drove awhile until we were in the suburbs.

"These lemons are The Ronin gang members, allot of them live near this area. They're terrible fighters but they are pretty smart with they're heads." He sighed as he flipped them off and sped away from the area.

"And last we have Sons of Samedi.. We constantly fight with them at least twenty times a day. They're annoying, " He sighed while rolling his eyes, their color was green.

"At Least they have cooler colors." I whispered to myself.

" Escuse me? I'm sorry but what's so wrong with purple? " He questioned while raising an eyebrow.

"It's such a basic color, everyone loves purple.. Why can't people like colors like blue or something? Blue is such a great color-"

Harry interrupted my rant by covering my mouth with his hand.

He held a finger to his lips and whispered 'Shh..'.

I stared at him blankly, still furious.

"Is that Styles?!" A male voice yelled.

Soon we heared a gun shot.

I could hear my heart start to beat super fast.

Harry looked at me, his face expression worried but he soon grinned.

"Your first mission starts now princess." He whispered.


I'm sorry is haven't updated in awhile but I'm really excited about this! What do you think about Harry so far? What do you think will happen to them in the situation they're in

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