Weed Brownies

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Hello my most favorite people ever i just want to make one thing clear, anything that happens in these one shots do not affect the story line of Curved. So if like if Calum goes to visit Ashton and they get in like a fight or something in curved that never happened. 

ok now with the first one shot. [there was only like one or two request that didnt involve smut lmao.]

request from hiyamashton: Luke gets Ashton to eat a few pot brownies and has to take care of him. 

i am excited about this can you feel my excitement, feel it, its excited

[i actually had to do research to write this omfg ]


Unedited bc teen wolfs coming on in a bit

Luke wanted to know what Ashton would be like high. It had been itching at the back of his mind to get Ashton to smoke a joint with him, but he knew Ashton would never say yes. 

So he would have to be creative. 

Ashton was over at Michael's for their regular tutoring sessions while Luke spent what felt like hours doing research on how to make weed brownies. He never knew it could be so complicated, he thought you just threw the weed in the batter and that was it.

But no, there was so much you had to do to make the brownies, you had to have a special oil and certain utencils. And he sure as hell didn't know it took hours to make the shit. When his mum came home from work he was thankful that she only had time to run in and grab a sandwhich she had made the previous night before she was running back to work, claiming she had important stuff and would be home late. 

If she had actually stopped for a minute and looked at the stove she would have seen her expensive frying pan she got from an online store being used to turn marijuana into a oily liquid substance. 

When Ashton got home Luke was finally done with the brownies and placing them on a plate. He was just hoping that he made them right and they didn't make Ashton sick. 

"Luke?" Ashton called out as he hung his keys on the hook by the door. 

"In the kitchen!" Luke yelled trying to sound casual like he totally hadn't been slaving around the kitchen in hopes to get his boyfriend a little buzzed off of brownies. 

"Are those brownies?" Ashton pointed to the plate with the neatly cut squares placed in a small stack. 

"Yeah, I made them for you." Luke grinned pushing the plate toawrds Ashton who stood on the other side of the breakfast bar. 

"Why?" Ashton asked his face twisted up in confusion with his head cocked to the side.

"Just wanted to." Luke shrugged. 

"Didn't peg you as a someone who baked, Hemmings." 

"Oh I get baked." Luke mumbled quietly to himself. 

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