New ink

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Heyo thought of this myself bc I get easily bored and think of things that are not at all related to books that I need to finish hah fml

Kinda cute and mildly fluffy

Luke was excited to get home and show Ashton his latest addition. His chest still stung but he wasn't going to let that change the smile on his face.

The black hoop on his lips was sucked between his teeth as he flicked his blinker and turned into the driveway. Ashton was working on an admission essay for college when Luke randomly up and left, kissing the top of his head on the way out.

Ashton heard Luke's car door and breathed a sigh of relief. He was so invested in his essay that he'd forgotten to ask where exactly the blond was going. Luke wouldn't have told him anyway, he wanted it to be a surprise.

"Have you finished?" Luke asked, dropping his keys on the dresser by the door.

"No." Ashton groaned from the bed where he had his face buried in a pillow. "My brain hurts."

Luke breathed a small 'ah' and kicked off his shoes before making his way towards the bed. Ashton felt the bed weight down and Luke wiggle one leg between his, resting his chin on the older boy's shoulder, and wrapping an arm around his ribcage.

"Where'd you go?" Ashton asked, turning his head so he could see Luke's face out the corner of his eye.

Luke pecked his cheek and answered,"Went to see Joe."

"What for?"

The blond bit his lip as a small smile stretched out. "I got a new tattoo."

Ashton suddenly rolled over so he and Luke were fully face to face and frowned, grabbing the younger boy's arm and rolling it around in search of new inking. "Where is it?"

"It's not on my arm." Luke mumbled, fiddling with the hem of his shirt.

"Well,where is it?" Ashton quirked and eyebrow.

Luke sat up and grabbed the collar of his shirt, snatching it over his head and laying back down. Ashton's eyes roamed along Luke's milky skin until he spotted the small writing.

Directly above Luke's heart was some sort of writing. It was in a bold font and around it was a patch of red, probably just the irritated skin.

Ashton's hazel eyes widened and he leaned a little closer before looking into Luke's eyes. "You're a fucking idiot!"

Not exactly the reaction Luke was looking for. The smile evaporated from his face and was replaced by a slight frown. "You don't like it?"

Ashton groaned and rubbed at his temple. "Luke, it's my fucking name. You got my name tattooed on your body. That shit's permanent!"

"I know, that's why I got it. It's permanent like my love for you."

"You're such a cornball. This is so stupid! What if something happens? What if we break up?" Ashton's voice was pitchy, "You'll have to live with my name on your chest for the rest of your life!"

Luke's eyebrows knit together and he frowned. "I hope we never break up. I love you."

"Luke, babe, I love you too." Ashton's hand rested on the side of the blond's face, rubbing gently at his cheekbone with his thumb.

"Then, why do you hate it? I thought you'd be touched."

Ashton chuckled, "I am touched." He smiled. "I'm also surprised, though. What made you want to get it?"

"You were working on your essay, writing things downs, stopping to read what you'd just written, chewing on the end of your pen, then stopping to scribble out what you'd just written. Obviously frustrated, but not stopping to give up. I realized how much I love you and how much you've impacted my life."

"What do you mean?" Ashton frowned.

Luke smiled lightly and ran his thumb over Ashton's lips.

"I was such a deuce before you came into my life. I basically hated everyone, myself included, and had no future at all. Most likely end up living with mum forever. But, you've changed all that. I'm passing all my classes now, I'm applying for colleges, you're looking at apartments for us, I'm happy. I know it's a rare thing to meet the actual love of your life in high school, but I'm pretty sure I have."

Ashton was at a loss for words. If it were possible, he's sure his heart would be melting and running all throughout his body, spreading the warm feeling of Luke's love all over.

He leaned forward and kissed Luke hard. When he pulled away a dopey from spread across Luke's face.

"So, you like it?"

"I like you."

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