Sore and Exhausted *smut*

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Got some news for you at the bottom so yay

Not requested just got the idea bc my legs hurt and I asked a friend to massage my thighs and she was like no that's sexual so of course I immediately thought of making a lashton one shot out of it bc wattpad and 5sos is all I think about
This wasn't suppose to be smut but it turned into smut goodbye

Ashton had neglected to do his regular workouts for a little over two months and he was starting to notice. His calves weren't as strong as they were before and his thighs were starting to feel squishy.

"You look fine, I don't know what the big deal is." Luke said, rested against the pillows in his bed as Ashton dug through a drawer in search of some basketball shorts.

Calum works out on a regular basis to stay fit for footy season, so he offered to work out with Ashton.

Ashton pulled out a pair of grey basketball shorts and slid them on over his red briefs. "I just like to stay fit." He shrugged.

Luke rolled his eyes and sighed. "You are fit."

"I'll see you later," Ashton said, pocketing his keys and walking over to Luke. "Love you."

"Love you too." Luke mumbled before meeting Ashton's lips.


"God, Cal" Ashton panted. "You're trying to kill me."

"No I'm not, you're just out of shape." The black haired boy said jogging in place beside Ashton who was doubled over panting. "C'mon, twenty laps and butt kickers across the grass."

"What the hell's a butt kicker?" Ashton furrowed his brow.

Calum demonstrated, jogging forward and lifting his heels higher than normal and nearly kicking his own butt. "Weird." Ashton mumbled.

After the twenty laps around the park track, butt kickers, and several other strenuous exercises that Calum breezed through Ashton was driving home and waddling to Luke's room.

Luke was sat in bed strumming lightly on his guitar in a bored manner. "Hey." He smiled, setting the guitar aside.

"Hi." Ashton smiled tiredly, pulling his shirt off. "M'gonna go shower. I'm exhausted."

Luke nodded with a smile as Ashton walked into the bathroom. He flipped on the tv in the corner and watched it until the older boy came out with water dripping from his hair and a tired look on his face, nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.

<currently writing this in gym class sitting in a corner awkward>

"Calum tried to kill me. I don't know how he does that shit everyday during football season." Ashton groaned, sitting on the bed beside Luke.

"I told you that you didn't need to do it." Luke said.

"But I wanted to and now I'm sore." Ashton whined. "Like, because I've been drumming a lot lately my arms have been kinda getting a workout but my legs haven't and they're so sore."

"Aw do you want me to massage them?" Luke pouted.

Luke was joking but Ashton nodded and stretched out on the bed, rolling onto his stomach. "Yes, please."

Luke's eyebrows frowned as he looked at Ashton sprawled out in front of him with nothing but a towel around him. Ashton had his arms crossed under his head with his eyes closed. "Um, okay." Luke mumbled.

He crawled over and positioned himself between Ashton's ankles and laid a hand on his calve. Gently, he applied pressure to his palm and began massaging the muscles. Ashton let out a please hum as Luke moved on to the other calve. After that he moved up to Ashton's thighs.

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