Scary Movies

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This isn't smutty but like there will be smut soon I promise

But like this was suggested by OreoCalum (smutJesus) (I'msorryomfg) (srslythoughgoreadkitten)(youwontregretit)

But I had to do this like had to bc so fluffy

Luke cries in fear while watching a scary movie


It was late at night and Luke and Ashton were cuddled up on the couch flipping through channels. Everyone was gone, Jack and Ben were back at school and Liz was out with some friends. "Book club or some lady thing." Luke had told Ashton when they got home.

Ashton had the remote and he was in search of something that would capture his interest. Luke honestly didn't care what Ashton picked, he just enjoyed the time that they could spend alone together.

Ashton huffed out of boredom as he continued to go down the list of channels, Luke pressed against his side.

"This'll do." He said selecting a movie with a scary title. Luke remembered seeing previews about it and being scared by them, he never had any intentions on actually seeing the film.
But if Ashton wanted to watch it he'd endure the fright.

The movie didn't seem to bother Ashton. He knew how ridiculous and fake all of it was, Luke did too, but it still scared him. Ashton noticed how much tighter Luke had started to grip him, but he just thought he wanted to be closer.

In actuality Luke was terrified. He did not want to tell Ashton to change the channel because that would make him look like a wimp. He was just hoping Ashton wouldn't notice how tense he was as his eyes stared at the screen.

Something on the screen jumped and caused Luke to do the same, pressing his face against Ashton's neck. Ashton laughed at the younger boy and pat his back. He thought it was funny how easily scared Luke got.

That was until he felt little drops of moisture sliding down his neck. He knew Luke got scared by scary movies but he didn't know that they scared him to the point of tears.

He laughed at him.

He felt absolutely awful. He knew Luke disliked scary movies yet he still decided that out of everything on to pick one. He grabbed the remote and turned the tv off. The room was engulfed in the dark silence, the only sound being a few sniffles leaving Luke.

Ashton reached to his right and flicked on a table lamp to lighten up the dark room.

Luke was trying to hold in his tears but he couldn't anymore. he wasn't crying because he was scared anymore, he was crying because now he was embarrassed. He was sure Ashton though he was weak and childish now.

Ashton pressed a kiss to Luke's head and shifted to pull the younger boy to lay down with him. The couch was small and the boys sure weren't but that only meant that Ashton could hold Luke closer to himself.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think it would scare you that bad." Ashton mumbled, craning his neck forward to kiss Luke's forehead.

He watched at Luke wiped at his tear streaked cheeks and shrugged, not being able to lift his eyes up to Ashton's face.

"Are you mad at me?"

Luke shook his head and sniffled. "No, if anything I'm mad at myself."

"Babe, no." Ashton whispered.

He pushed his leg in between Luke's to tangle their limbs and pull the boy impossibly closer. His arm wrapped around Luke's waist and rested in the center of Luke's back where he rubbed small patterns.

"It's okay to be scared."

Luke didn't say anything he just laid there with his head against Ashton's bicep.

"I feel awful." Ashton sighed. "I knew you didn't like scary movies but I still made you watch one."

"You didn't make me, I just didn't want to be a wimp and ask you to change the channel." Luke said finally looking up at Ashton. "Now I just feel embarrassed for crying about the stupid thing."

Ashton noticed how the younger boys cheeks flared up in a pink blush. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"You're not a wimp." Ashton smiled, Luke was cute.

Luke smiled shyly back at Ashton.

"You're so cute sometimes, I swear I could die."

"I'm not cute. Cute is something you say girls are. I have a penis therefore am not a girl."

"Are you quoting me?"

"I am quoting you." He smirked.

Ashton smiled and wrapped tightened his arms around the younger boy before rolling so he was on top of him and squeezing laughter out.

"Ashton you're crushing me." Luke faked a gasp but ended up laughing.

"Crushing you with love." Love.


This wasn't as fluffy as I hoped for it to be:(

Wrote this on my phone not really sure if there's errors

I know I tell you guys I love you at the end of whatever chapter or update of whatever I post on all my books but I mean it. I don't say it just to say it I'm serious when I say i love you guys. We're a family and I'm here for you guys whenever. You can message me or pm me and I'll get back to you. It might not be immediately bc my notifications don't work sometimes but I will eventually. I love you guys and I'd rip someone's throat out rick grimes style for any one of you in a heartbeat.

I love you guys:)

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