Roc Royal vs. Ole Man

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I know it's late on the situation but I wanted to give my thoughts on the situation. I don't feel Roc beat up the ole man for no reason, we don't know if the man did something to Roc that set him off, like verbally insulting him or outting his hands on him, especially since the person who recorded it only recorded Roc's reaction. Now I'm not excusing Roc for what he did, but people do things for a reason and I don't think Roc beat the man for just $10. Also for it to be on the instagram, why would the person record it let alone post it on there, that's smart. That's not something for someone like Roc to have on the internet, which is why he probably deleted the post hoping no one would see it. I'm glad that he apologised about the post, it show that he takes responsibility when he mess up, most celebs don't do it.

Do allyuh agree or nah? Tell me what you think.

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