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Though this video was funny, I do wanna say that there are people that can dish it, but can't take. I don't condon violence, but I do believe in defending yourself. Now this girl put her hands on a man, who is a stranger as far as we know, and got the shit slapped outta her. In general, if you put your hands on someone, don't be surprised if they hit you back. Now for ladies/girls, don't hit men cause some of them don't discriminate on who hits them. So don't be surprise if you hit a man and he hits you back. And guys, don't hit women cause there're women out there that fight back. Again, in general, don't nobody hit anybody cause if you do, they gone hit you back. Again, DON'T NOBODY HIT ANYBODY, that's all.

Video of girl getting slapped on the left, but it dead was funny frfr>>>>>>>

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