Roc Royal on The Beat

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Hello possums (started watching videos on Dame Edna Everage, that's where that saying comes from. Barry Humphries is a funny man), ok so I'm sure allyuh have hear Roc's music on his instagram, if it's still there. In my opinion, that shit is fiyah. I mean like that is something I wished was a bit longer. I do wonder if it's on MB's third album.

What do allyuh think, did allyuh like that beat?

Is it on the third MB album?

Do allyuh mind if I call allyuh possums? (I'll probably do it anyways)

P.S. I will try to update Life Debt tomorrow, if not, by the end of this week. (I just finish writing the chapter, but I didn't feel like typing it today -_-)

P.S.S If allyuh haven't heard it or wants to hear it again, video on the side>>>>

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