Princeton's Sexuality

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This is very vexating, why can't people leave Princeton alone. People are always saying he's a batty bwoy, he like the D, or he needs to come out the closet, like can allyuh leave him alone. Princeton is not gay, and if he is why is that anyone's concern. Like is that gonna stop allyuh from listening from Mb or buying their music. Personally, I don't think he is but I also don't care. If he is, let him feel comfortable nuff to tell allyuh, and if not, leave him alone. His sexuality has nothing to do with any of us. When him and Nala did a keek question, he said he had like 2 or 3 ex-girlfriends, he looks at fans butt or breast at meet and greets. When has he once looked at a man in a sexual way, fantasised about a man, or chat to a man in a sensual way. So stop these "exposed" pages, leave Prince alone, and gwan bout yuh business.

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