The View: Season 18

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Today is the day the new season of The View begins. I'm so excited that Season 18 is today. Like any season, there were changes to the show. For starters, Rosie O'Donnell returns to The View along with new comers, Rosie Perez and Nicole Wallace, and the will be joining Veteran moderator, Whoopi Goldberg, who is the sole co-host to return to The View, since Barbara Walters retired on May 16, while Sherri Shepherd and Jenny McCarthy left the show. The show will be in the ABC Broadcasting Centre, which is where Katie Couric had her talk show that was canceled. They will be using the same set as Katie. The View will go back on what it originally used to be, women of different backgrounds coming toether giving their point of view. The show will also be talking about topics that will affect our nation, in other words, it gwan be a bit newsy, but that's where the arguments/fights and disagreement happen, which is ratings for the show.

Like deadass, I'm really excited to see Rosie O'Donnell on the show again. Though she said she will be different from the last time she was on the show, she will probably still be a little bit the same when it comes to something she feels strongly about.

If allyuh are confused on what I mean, watch this video of The View when Roise was moderator. This episode was when Rosie O'Donnell got into a very heated argument with Elisabeth Hassleback, which was also Rosie's last day cuz she quit the show after the episode ended.>>>>>>>>>>

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