Episode 3: "Watching The Stars"

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Author's Note: Episode 3: "Watching The Stars" is now out. Also I'll be writing two stories today, because I forgot to do it yesterday and the other day. So enjoy the episode, feel free to RP or comment below.


It was a beautiful sunny day outside the school, Orlina was on her phone looking at the forecast of the weather. It said it was going to be a night with stars twinkling, Orlina was excited to see it.

"Ms. Evil, is there a reason to be on your phone?" Mr. Wolfe said, reading a book on his desk.

We were in reading class which sucks, "Uhh nope, nothing at all." She replied, putting her phone away.

"Orlina, is everything okay?" Clamor placed his hand on her shoulder. "Yeah, just checking the forecast."

"They say it's going to be a night with stars twinkling." Said BooBerry.

Aimless closed his book, adding to the comment. "It is??" "Yeah, I just looked." Orlina whispered, not interrupting the class.

"Are you going to watch, Orlina?" Clamor looked over at her. "Yes, I'll watch it with my dad." She opened her book and started reading.

"Cool. I'm going to watch with my cousins." Aimless smiled, looking at the three. "Let's say we go for coffee after this period." Replied BooBerry.

The three nodded and continued the period of reading.

We made it out of reading class and into the lunch room to get coffee. "I love their coffee, it taste like Starbucks." Clamor sipped on his coffee.

"I'm pretty sure we all do." Laughed BooBerry. Orlina and Aimless laughed along.

While the lunchroom was packed, we headed outside to the courtyard. "What should we do while we out here?" Orlina sat on the bench, placing her coffee down.

"Graffiti?" The three said, which cause Orlina to smirk. "You guys know me soo well, I love you guys." She hugged them, they hug back. "We love you too." The three replied, smiling.

*~While at home~*
Orlina came in and yelled, "Dad! I'm home!" She closed the door and saw that her dad was cooking dinner.

"Glad you're home, sweetie." He hugged her.

"Smells good in here." Orlina came in the kitchen. "I made tacos." He showed her, she looked at it. "Looks delicious." She lick around her lips, he laughed.

"Ready to gaze at the stars tonight?" Orlina stopped in her tracks and turned around. "You saw the forecast too?"

"Yeah, Everybody has." He replied.

"Count me in! And yes, I'm ready for those delicious tacos too." He laughed at her comment. "Okay, go head upstairs and we'll have tacos."

Orlina flew upstairs to get changed.

Orlina and her dad were outside eating tacos, watching the stars twinkle. "It's so pretty." Orlina smiled brightly, reaching out for it; like she did when she was a baby.

"It's almost as beautiful as watching the sunset too." He replied, smiling at her.

"I love you, dad." "I love you too, my Princess." He hugs her and she hugs back.

After the gazing at the stars, Orlina got a text from her friends. "Hey Orlina, did you watch the stars?" Asked Clamor.

"I sure did." She giggled.

"How was it?" Asked another from Aimless.

"It was enchanting." She replied.

"Was it worth your while?" Third ask from BooBerry.

"It was and how many questions do I have to answer?" She giggled again.

"None, because we're heading off to bed." The three replied, saying their "good nights" to each other. "Good night." Orlina charged her phone and went off to sleep.

'Tonight was a fantastic night' She said in her head.



Author's Note: What did you guys think? Episode 3 is done and tonight I'mma do Episode 4. Also if you guys want to RP with me, suggest either Orlina, BooBerry, Aimless or Clamor. Only those four and if you have a title for the next episode, let me know and I'll make that happen. See you tonight for another episode.


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