Episode 4: "Love Is All About Winning"

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Author's Note: "Love Is All About Winning" is now out. If you want to RP OR suggest a title, let me know — Also I hope you like this book so far. Just started it 3 or 4 days ago. My cousin likes it and enjoy.


Orlina was panicking, laying on her bed with her laptop in front of her. Her dad came in and said, "Pumpkin, why are you panicking like you saw a famous actor?"

Orlina giggled. "OMG! Dad, I met this cute, handsome boy at school."

"Ohh. What is his name?" He asked.

"His name's Lucas and he's a Demon too." Orlina laid her hands on her cheek, daydreaming.

"Demon huh? Does he have any of your classes?"

"Yes, indeed he does." Orlina shut her laptop off and got ready for bed. "Good night, Princess."

"'Night, dad." Then he shut off the lights and closed the door.

*~At school~*
BooBerry, Aimless and Clamor was talking in the lunchroom, until they spot Orlina. "Orlina! Over here!!" The three waved and Orlina walked up to them.

"Good morning, guys." Orlina greeted. "'Morning." They replied.

While Orlina was listening to their conversation, she spotted Lucas heading in the lunchroom. She began to drool, suddenly...

"ORLINA!" Yelled BooBerry. "Huh? Wha-?" She turned to her friends.

"Did you hear what I said?" Aimless said. "Huh? Oh, yeah yeah." She sarcastically waved her hand at them.

"Are you feeling okay?" Clamor asked. "I-I'm fine, really." Orlina faked laugh, playing with her fingers.

"Are you sure?" Curiosity was placed on BooBerry's face.

"Couldn't be better." A sweat came down her forehead. "Okay." The three said, continuing their conversation.

'Phew!' She thought in her head as she goes back to staring at Lucas.

(I'll draw him tomorrow to show you guys.)

*~While in class~*
As usual Orlina and her friends sit in the back row, a group of kids fly in the room as the bell rings. Orlina watched every student carefully, looking for Lucas.

Then after the last student, Lucas came behind. Orlina blushed and looked away, looking the corner at him — To see him sitting in front of her.

Orlina was studying, until she got a text from...Lucas! She widened her eyes and blushed. "Hey, you're very pretty." His message read.

She blushed and replied back. "Thank you."

Then when Orlina's pupils looked up, she saw Lucas turn around in his chair and was facing her. She started blushing.

"Hey...~" He flirtatious said, running his fingers through his spiky hair. "H-Hey..." Orlina replied, moving a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Wanna meet up after school?" He offered a hand. "S-Sure..." She stuttered, placing a hand on top of his. He kisses her hand, smirking.

She looked away, blushing. "I'll see you after school." He winked and turned around.

She nodded and daydreamed about him.

*~After school~*
Orlina was holding her books against her chest, when she got outside — She saw Lucas. He catches her eye and walked up to her. "Hey, need any help?" He asked.

"I- yes, thank you." She handed the books to him and he was strong enough to carry them. He winked and said, "Let's fly." She nodded.

They flew into the sky until he reached her house.

"This your house." He replied.

"Yeah and thanks for carrying my books." She took it from his hand and blushed, smiling.

"Anything for a beautiful Demon like you." He touched her cheek, she blushed redder.

He feels her chest to feel her heart beating fast. "Why is your heart beating?" Lucas asked, looking into her eyes.

"W-What is this feeling?" Orlina asked, looking down — Avoiding eye contact.

"I guess you could call it "Love Is All About Winning"." He lifted her chin up, looking deep into her red eyes. She finally looked into his eyes and placed her hands on top of his.

"You're even more gorgeous in the moonlight." He inched close to her face, she blushed even redder than before.

"R-Really?" She wanted to know. "Of course you do." Lucas replied, softly placing his nose to her's. She smiled and hugged him.

"Thanks again, Lucas." "No problem. Anything you want, I'll come around to help you out." He winked at her and flew off, Orlina waving back — Daydreaming.



Author's Note: I hope you enjoy my episode, I know I said it many times; but if you want to RP or suggest a title let me know. Episode 5 will come out tomorrow, also — I'll draw Lucas tomorrow plus; he's handsome. And he's a Demon like Orlina, transformed into a bat and a ghost like her too.


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