Son of The Dark Knight

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Gotham City

There was a fire at an orphanage home by the furious villains Firefly and Solomon Grundy. Firefly brings the fire to the building and have goons inside burning things inside the building while Solomon Grundy keeps the police back by throwing, smashing and punching stuff. But suddenly, The Batmoblie dashes in and hits Grundy, Sending him flying and crashing into a the ground. Robin (Damian Wayne) super jumps out the Batmoblie and throws four razor-sharp red batarangs at Firefly and Solomon Grundy, two of them hits Firefly's jetpack, while the other two hits Grundy in the head.

Robin: Firefly? You could've just call yourself Pyromite or FlameTron or something.

Firefly: Are you mocking my name kids?

Robin: I just can't take you seriously, Its not like Batman would just call his sidekick Sparrow.

Firefly: You're about to become the burning bird.

Firefly aim his flamethrower and shoots fire at Robin, Robin dodges all the Firefly's attacks and Solomon Grundy tries to smash Robin, But Robin dodges Grundy punches and backflip kicks Grundy in the face. Firefly's goons runs out the building and tries to attack Robin.

Grundy: Once fireman burns you, Grundy will eat Birdboy's chicken legs for dinner.

Robin: I'm not on the menu, Besides we're out of ketchup, how about I get some from your lips after I busting it.

Grundy picks up a police car and throws it, But Robin backflip to dodge it and quickly took out all of Firefly's goons. Robin quickly ninja leaps from building to building. Firefly was unaware where Robin was, Robin quickly and quietly jumps from the edge of the building and glides to Firefly, He glide kick Firefly in the gut and cuts the jetpack of Firefly's back with Katana Blade. Robin knocks out Firefly with punch to the face. Grundy roars and tries to smash Robin, But Robin jumps on Grundy's back place a batarang on it, jumps off and Grundy gets electrocuted and passes out. Robin quickly jumps in the Batmoblie and drives off and speaks with Batman on his communicator.

Damian: How'd I do?

Batman: You did well, Except with the puns.

Damian: Blame Dick, For being so entertaining.

Batman: I'll be out of town, The Justice League and I are going to take down Luthor, You are welcome to come with.

Damian: I'm good

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