Superboy vs Alpha-X4 vs Lex

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At the Justice League Watch Tower.

The Justice League were getting prepared to assault LexCorp and this time Powergirl and Krypto were there to help. Robin prepares his hover-cycle and gets teleported, Superboy flies to earth and Justice League also teleported to earth.

Earth, Metropolis, LexCorp

Brainiac makes more clones in his image and prepares a plan a Destruction Satellite. With that satellite engaged and finished, He'll be able to blow up the four pieces and add it to his collection of destroyed planets.

Inside the air vents

Robin and Superboy makes their way to the surveillance room, quietly falls out the vents and takes out a few guards and clones. Robin and Superboy splits up, taking a different direction.

With The Justice League

The Justice League makes their way through the hallways and saw The machine that made Superboy.

Flash: Well, Superboy was right, The machine that created him malfunction.

Green Lantern: But doesn't that mean his.....

Batman: His objective changed? Yes, yes it does.

While The Justice League were looking around the lab, Something hits Wonder Woman and she hits the wall and then the floor. The giant shadow figure bonds was none other than Brainiac.

Superman: Brainiac

Brainiac: I see that you stumbled upon my creations in the lab.......This is also the birthplace of.....The young defect clone also known as "Superboy". But as far as I can tell you his time has come.

Supergirl: You're not going to tear my baby cousin apart!

Brainiac: Oh, He's part of your....Kryptonian Family and you catch on quick, Only I'm not going to kill him........ Alpha-X4  will.

Cyborg: Alpha-X4?

Brainiac: Robotic clone of Doomsday, I needed him just in case any of the clones defy me. And now's a good to put him to use. Alpha-X4!

Alpha-X4: Brainiac

Brainiac: Find and Destroy Superboy!

Alpha-X4: Yes Brainiac!

Alpha-X4 super jumps out of the lab and went to find Superboy.

The Justice League starts to fight Brainiac.

With Superboy

Superboy was trying to investigate where the Deplanetizing Laser is located in space. When he got it's location, Alpha-X4 jumps right in front of him and Lex Luthor in his power suit jumps behind him. They both want to kill Superboy, But they clash into each other first. While they were distracted and got Deplanetizing Laser's location, Superboy knew now was a good time to run. Alpha-X4 notice Superboy was running and Lex was slowing him down. So he uppercuts Lex, claw his armor, throws him into a wall, stomps on his armor's chest 12 times and punches Lex in the face.

Alpha-X4: Stay out of this Lex Luthor, Only I can have the pleasure to destroy Superboy.

Alpha-X4 chases Superboy down the hall, Superboy flies to gain more speed, Alpha-X4 was too slow he had to super jump to catch up.

Superboy: Can't keep up?

Superboy stops and uses his heat vision blast to slow Alpha-X4 down. Alpha-X4 struggles trying to block the laser blast, Superboy lays 12 punches, Alpha-X4 lays 14 punches and Superboy super kicks Alpha-X4 in the chest. Lex Luthor interrupts by punching Superboy and Alpha-X4, Leaving both of them unconscious. Lex grabs Superboy by the cape and was about the punch.

Lex: I made you and I can unmade you.

Alpha-X4 grabs Superboy and throws him. Alpha-X4 claws Lex's chest and punches him 14 times, Lex uses Kryptonite blast to keep Alpha-X4 at a far distance. Superboy gets back up, dodges the kryptonite laser, punches Lex 24 times rapidly, picks up Alpha-X4 and rips him in half. Superboy was filled with rage and flys off.

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