Clone of the Man Of Steel

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LexCorp Secret Lab

Lex Luthor and Brainiac was walking was riding a floating platform through the factory. They explain their evil plan to destroy and annihilate The Justice League. They agree to build an army of evil Superman like clones. The clones have Superman's face, But their silver, bald, red eyes, purple cape, purple boots, green suit, LexCorp symbol on their chest and a LexCorp symbol on the back of the cape. But then, The machine  that was creating them has malfunction for little bit, Then when stops malfunctioning, a defect clones that looks like a boy comes  out of the machine. The boy clones was different, He didn't look like the others. He had Superman's symbol, he wasn't bald and his cape was red.

The clones were on the conveyor belt they were under a scanner, The scanner ask the clones what's their prime objective

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The clones were on the conveyor belt they were under a scanner, The scanner ask the clones what's their prime objective.

Evil Clones: Prime Objective, Destroy the Justice League.

Scanner: State your prime....

The scanner look left to right for another clone but couldn't see any, Until it saw the defect clone.

Superboy: Hello

The scanner scans the defect.

Scanner: Defect detected, Prepare for Elimination.

The defect jumps off the conveyor belt and runs off.

Brainiac: Seems like we have a defect clone.

Lex: A defect clone, Send in Alpha-X4.

Alpha-X4 is a robotic lookalike of Doomsday, If any of the Clones get out of line, Alpha-X4 will destroy them. Alpha-X4 spotted The Defect and chases him, The Defect was faster even when Alpha-X4 was gaining on him, Lex Luthor uses a kryptonite laser gun, aims for The Defect, But hits Alpha-X4. The Defect hops into a shuttle and it flies, But shuttle right booster was already. The Defect set coordinates for The Hall of Justice, But it wasn't going to make it, At least it was far away from LexCorp. The shuttle crash into Gotham.

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