Young Heroes Unite

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In The Batcave

Superboy was fully healed and told Damian about Lex and Brainiac plan to destroy Justice League, Damian couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Damian: So you're telling me, The Lex Luthor and Brainiac has created evil robotic clones Superman to destroy The Justice League? If you're not crazy, name the Justice League members.

Superboy: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern  (Hal Jordan), The Flash, Aquaman, Shazam and Cyborg.

Damian: Okay you're serious, I can totally take you to the Hall of Justice.

Superboy: You are kind, Damian.....But do you even know any of Justice League members?

Damian: Yeah, Batman's my father, Besides I can take you there with The Batwing. We better get now, Bat-Computer set coordinates for The Hall of Justice in the Batwing.

Bat-Computer: Destination Set

Superboy follows Damian in The Batwing and they fly off into the sky.

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