The Invasion

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Hall of Justice, Metropolis

The Justice League were ready to assault Lex Luthor and Brainiac. Batman repairs his Batmoblie, Flash exercises super quick, Green Lantern charges up his rings and Cyborg upgrades his armor. But just when they were ready, A gigantic warship with The LexCorp symbol on the side hovers over The Hall Of Justice. 60 Evil Superman Clone lands in front of the Justice League.

Evil Clone: Target Acquired!

In the Batwing

Damian pilots the Batwing, While Superboy looks over the Justice League file in the Batwing.

Superboy: Who's this?

Robin looks over on the file and saw Superman's picture.

Robin: Superman, The real one. He's one of the founding members of the Justice League. I understand, You think you look like him, But you're younger, you're a defect clone and I'm not sure you have his powers or up to his level.

The Batwing arrives in Metropolis, Robin and Superboy looks out the windshield and saw The Justice League in battle.

Robin: Alright Superboy, Now's your chance to use your powers.

Robin raises the windshield and Superboy jumps out and flies. He uses his heat vision to destroy 10 Clones. Robin fires the Batwing's bullets and destroyed 6 Clones, Superman and Batman takes a quick look at Superboy and were confused.

Superman: Who's the kid?

Batman: I don't know

Wonder Woman: You think he's one of them?

Superman: Doesn't look it

Meanwhile, Robin gets ready to fire Kryptonite missiles, It might leave Superman and Superboy in a weakened state, But as long they don't touch it they'll be fine, Besides the clones are also vulnerable to Kryptonite.

Robin: Alright Superboy, I'm about to fire Kryptonite missiles, Now I calculated the range of the explosion and it might reach the Justice League and you. So which means.......

Superboy: Which means Superman and I will be left in a weakened state. If it's the only way to stop the clones, I'll take that chance.

Robin: Good, Alright get ready.

Robin fires the missiles and Superboy moves away from the clones, The missiles hits all of the clones and explodes. Superman got down on one knee and puts his hand on his chest, Superboy also felt weakened and got down on two knees. Superboy looks up at warship and flies towards it at Supersonic Speed.

Robin: Superboy, What are you doing?

Superboy: I'm gonna destroy the warship.

Superboy flies into one side of the warship and flies out the other, He heat vision blast the warship and it explode. Superboy flies down to ground and passes out. Robin lands the Batwing and walks towards Superboy, The Justice League surrounds them, Superman holds Superboy and Takes him into the Hall of Justice. Batman pats his son on the back.

Batman: Robin, Good Work.

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