Robin Meet Superboy

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Wayne Manor, Outside in the garden.

Damian practicing combat with his katana blade, When he stopped, He mediates just like how Raven showed him. Until he heard a crash a saw smoke outside Gotham, He went inside the Mansion to put on his Robin suit, He rode his motorcycle to the crash site and LexCorp damaged shuttle. Robin went down to investigate close, He look through the shuttle windshield and saw The Defect Clone. Robin breaks the windshield, grabs The Defect and uses his grappling gun to pull himself out of the crash site and The shuttle explodes. Damian takes a closer look at The Defect Clone.

Damian: Another Kryptonian? The shuttle's from LexCorp.

The Defect wakes up and tries to get up, But was injured after the crash, Damian helps The Defect up and sits him on a boulder.

Superboy: I must get to The Hall of Justice, They are in danger.

Robin: Whoa, whoa, Who's in danger?

Superboy: An army is coming, I must warn them.

Robin: Whoa, Hang on, Slow down, You've been in a crash. What do you say we get you back to the batcave? I'll run diagnostics and have fixed up in no time.

Superboy: Thank You, I appreciate your assistance.

Robin: So what do I call you?

Superboy: I have no name

Robin: Since you have Superman's symbol maybe I'll just call you......Superboy.

Robin takes off his mask and puts hands expecting a handshake.

Damian: My name's Damian

Superboy was confused, He didn't know what Damian wanted. Damian helped Superboy by grabbing his hand and shaking.

Damian: Up and down, There you go, You're a natural.

Robin and SuperboyWhere stories live. Discover now