Not A Robot

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Justice League WatchTower

After using one of the Hall of Justice teleporters, The Justice League lays Superboy on a comfortable stretcher and observes him. Donna Troy and Raven were invited to the WatchTower to help the Justice League to take down Lex and Brainiac. Superman uses his X-ray vision to see inside.

Donna Troy

Donna Troy

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Batman: Anything about him?

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Batman: Anything about him?

Superman: Well besides the look of him, He's not like the other, He doesn't have a robotic skeleton or how do you say........"bald".

Batman: High Grade Titanium skeleton, But he doesn't seem to have biotic brain.

While The Justice League figures Superboy out, Damian and Raven kisses each other and They blushes at each other and rubs against each other's nose.

Donna: So Damian, What's with the Super kid?

Damian: He's a defect clone, Lex Luthor created him, But then he and Brainiac tried to destroy and tear him apart. When he arrived in a crash shuttle, I've rescued him.

Donna: Well, At least he's cute

With The Justice League

Superman and Wonder Woman checks to see if Superboy's awake, While Batman begins the analysis. Superboy wakes up slowly, The Flash notice Superboy waking up.

Flash: Uh.......Guys

Superman: What is it Barry?

Flash: He's awake.

Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman turns around and saw Superboy opening his eyes, Superman and Wonder Woman walks toward him while Batman continues the analysis. Superboy was having a hard time getting back up, Thanks to the Kryptonite laser. Superman lays him back down gently.

Superman: Easy buddy, Take it easy, Just rest. What's your name?

Superboy: I have no name, But Damian called me......Superboy.

Superman: Who created you?

Superboy: Lex Luthor.......assistance by Brainiac.

Superman: You know if I had son of my own I would call him......Jonathan Samuel Kent.

Batman: It's official, He's not one of them, He's a defect.

Wonder Woman: But that doesn't explain why would Luthor want to destroy.

Green Lantern: Clone or not, I don't think we should keep him around.

Shazam: Are you serious, He's on our side.

Green Lantern: I know he's on our side, But can we trust him? Cause I don't think we should.

Cyborg: Calm down Hal.

The Flash: (clears) Um.......He's gone.

The Justice League turns around and Superboy was gone.

With The Titans

Donna: Where'd he go?

Damian: I don't know

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