Brainiac's Plan

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At LexCorp Secret Lab

Lex Luthor paces back and forth, He couldn't believe his plan to destroy the Justice League failed. It was Brainiac's turn to put his plan to use. Brainiac and Lex had a long conversation, Brainiac's plan was to destroy earth, But to do that he has to keep the Justice League busy. Not only that, Brainiac told Lex Luthor that he doesn't need him anymore and to prove it, He hacks into Alpha-X4, takes over it's body and punches Lex Luthor. Of course Lex has a giant robotic of his own and They had a short robotic fight, Brainiac short circuit Lex's suit and made him pass out. After defeating Lex Luthor, Brainiac continues his plan, He was going to build a deplanetizing laser.

Brainiac: Soon The Earth will be gone.........Forever.

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