River Phoenix

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"Geez, that just felt like my teenage years. Visiting a dates house and having to confront her parents." Kurt laughed while rubbing the back of his head. Kate laughed and noticed her breath hitched as his hand made his way down to her waist, escorting her down the hall.

"So...What are the plans for tonight?" Kate asked Kurt as the elevator doors opened.

"Good question. I figured we could hit a couple clubs, and go out to eat? If your ok with that?"

"Yeah! No problem. I'm ok with that." She smiled looking into his eyes. Right as the elevator doors began to close a hand quickly stopped the rusty doors from closing. John entered the elevator and laughed, "Hey guys! Sorry. I didn't know it was you two. I'm just heading down to get some cigarettes." Avoiding eye contact with him, Kate looked away realizing how awkward the situation was.

"You look nice. What's the occasion?" John laughed while tugging on Kate's black dress. Noticing how silent, and thick the tension was John looked up and noticed Kurt's hand on her waist. Oh fuck, he thought to himself before asking, "You two are going on a date?"

"Yeah..."Kurt sighed avoiding eye contact. He was just as uncomfortable as she was.

"Oh. Nice....Have fun." John slowly said before smiling. Nodding, Kurt slowly smiled back and squeezed Kate's waist as the elevator doors opened. Wanted to get out of the elevator as quickly as possible, Kate went to take off into a speed walk which failed miserably. Her heel got caught in a crack of the marble floor, causing her to tumble to the ground with a loud 'thud'. Contents in her purse scattered across the floor like waves against the sand. Kurt quickly helped her up and said, "You okay? Your bleeding on your knee. I'll go get some bandaids." No, no. Don't leave me, she thought watching him leave. Staring at John she quickly looked away and began slowly picking up her fallen items. Old lipsticks, mascara tubes, leggings, anything you could imagine was in this bag. Like she was Mary Poppins herself.

Looking for her glasses, Kate slowly tilted her head up to see John smirking while holding her glasses out for her to grab. "Thank you." She mumbled and frowned when he pulled them away. "Your squinting. Do you have contacts in?" He asked worried.


"What? C'mon. At least put your glasses on so you can see."

"No! I'm fine. I think my vision is getting better!"

"I don't think that's possible."

"You never know."

"Kate. Just put the glasses on."

"Why? What are you my dad?" Noticing how he shut his mouth very quickly, Kate smiled on the inside thinking, Ha! Gotcha. But John was smirking on the inside before asking,

"Did you get my note?"

"No. I threw it out." Kate lied. She didn't feel like talking to him. The entire situation was confusing. One second he hated her, now he wants to go get dinner? Or hangout? He has to remember he has a girlfriend....Not that I would go with him anyway, she thought before he continued,

"Oh. How come?"

"I thought you were giving me trash to throw out. Because the trash can was right next to me at the time, in the trailer."

"Oh. No. It was a note."

"Oh I'm sorry John. Was there anything important in the note?"

"No. Don't worry about it....So....You got a big date tonight? Are you excited?"

"Yeah, kinda. It's been a while since I've been on a date."

"That's how I felt in New York. It felt nice going on dates with Toni, and being around her. When I don't see her a lot I get nervous. You know how I got when we were dating and I left for tour. You had to come to my rescue."

"Yeah..." She softly said while thinking, why the fuck is he bringing up the memories of when we dated? This just makes the situation even more uncomfortable and awkward. Right as John began to say something, Kurt cane rushing over with a bandaid. Sitting her down on the couch a loud beep outside the hotel made him curse out loud and exclaim, "Shit! That's the taxi I called for. Here's the bandaid, I'll go out to the taxi. I'll meet you out there." Patting her back, Kurt quickly walked out of the building to catch the taxi before it left.

"I got it." John smiled while unwrapping the bandaid and placing it onto the cut. "Thanks, John. It was nice talking to you. I'll see you around." Kate nodded before exiting the hotel. Quickly following her John grabbed her hand and stuttered, "K-Kate? B-Be....Be safe tonight? Okay? For me? Please? Don't make any stupid decisions."

"I won't make any stupid decisions." She smiled before quickly sliding into the old taxi.

"Damn. What's taking so long?" Kurt sighed as the both of them stood outside the club. The long line wasn't moving, and probably was never going too. He decided to make small talk and asked, "You okay? You've been acting a little shaken after you fell."

"Yeah...I'm fine."

"No your not....It was John, wasn't it?"


"What'd he say to you?"

"He was telling me to have a fun date with you, and then proceeded to talk about when we dated."

"Ew. He really did that?"

"Yes! It made me so uncomfortable!"

"Well I'd say so, too. Especially since he's dating Toni."

"Yeah. Anyway, enough about me. I wanna know more about you!"

"Hm...Well my names Kurt,-"

"Duh!" The two laughed and began making more small talk. Unfortunately the line was not moving. There conversation was interrupted when a younger man with long brunette hair approached the two teasing, "My, my! Is that my boy Kurt?" Kurt immediately lit up like a kid on Christmas and smiled, "River! Get outta town! What are you doing here?"

"In town visiting a friend."

"I see. This is Kate, a friend."

"Hello!" Kate smiled while waving at the smiling man named River. He continued his conversation with Kurt saying, "I was gonna go to this club, but by the looks of it I'm not getting in. Hey, do you guys wanna come hang out at my place for good times sake? We can catch up, and I can meet your lovely date?"

Kurt looked over at Kate and smiled, "Are You okay with that, Kate?"

"Uh, Yeah! Sure." She smiled while feeling a pit in her stomach. The idea of Kurt going to catch up with an old friend didn't bother her at all. The fact that River had needle marks along his forearm made her think this "catching up" session probably wouldn't have anything to do with talking.

Watching River fumble with the keys to his apartment, Kate frowned. All that was repeating in her mind was Johns voice saying, Be safe tonight? Okay? For me? Please? Don't make any stupid decisions.

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now