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Mahiru Pov

Me and the guys are in another room leaving the girls to rest up some more since they are still hurt. They need all the rest that they can get so they can be all healed up.

"So are we supposed to do? Are we to leave them here or take them with us?" Misono asked us as we didn't know the answer. Right now we are currently discussing of what to do with the girls and school. We missed three days and we can't afford to miss more days.

We all think for a sec "Well I have already missed three days of school, I can't keep missing school." I told them as Misono and Tetsu agreed with me.

"I think they should stay here there'll be more safe here." Mikuni says and we all think for a little bit. "That's a great idea Mikuni." Lily agrees "Yeah I think so too. I can't have any of them with me because I have a performance coming up soon." Licht agreed with Mikuni.

I looked at Tetsu "Is that okay with you Tetsu? Would you or your parents mind that they will be staying here?" I asked him as he nodded "I don't mind having them stay here and I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind either."He answered me with his usual poker face.

No one Pov

The boys decided to go and tell the fairies that they will staying there while they go to school/rehearsal/business. "I'll knock on their door!" Hyde ran to where the girls are staying in.

Hyde knocked on the door with a smile as we heard a 'come in'. Hyde then open the sliding door to see that the girls are drinking tea and eating snacks.

"Oh Mahiru is there something you need?" Levy asked her new boyfriend with a cute smile. Of course this made Mahiru blush and keep thinking that she's so cute.

"Yeah me, Kuro, Misono, Lily, Hugh and Tetsu have school tomorrow and Licht and Hyde need to go and talk to his manager and do some rehearsals, Mikuni and Jeje have to check on something and check on their shop. So we are going to leave you girls here and Tetsu's parents can take care of you girls." He told Levy as the girls nodded with a smile.

Before Mahiru can speak again Mirajane spoke up "If its no trouble are we allow to go outside to go shopping for some new clothes?" She has a smile on her face and her her voice was gentle too.

"Alright you can but make sure you tell Tetsu's parents before you leave got it." Licht told her and the other fairies, they nodded at him. "Thank you for letting us know about this." Evergreen thanked them.

They all decided to talk to each other and to eat dinner together as well. They were all having fun with each other and the girls were happy to be with their new boyfriends.

Licht and the others make the girls forget about the heartbreak of their ex boyfriends. They didn't mind forgetting about them at all, it was fun being around the boys is what the girls are feeling.

The time went by and it was now dark outside "Looks like we need to leave now. We need to go now girls, we will see you tomorrow once we're all done with our business we need to take care of." Mikuni tells them as they nodded.

The girls gave their new boyfriends a kiss on the cheek "Get home safe." The girls said at the same time making the boys blush and smiled at them. "We will."

Mahiru, Kuro, Misono, Lily, Licht, Mikuni and Jeje left to get to their homes or places they are staying at. Tetsu and Hugh didn't leave since they live there, after all his family does own the place.

"I need to head to bed, Goodnight to all of you." Tetsu said Goodnight to all of them as the girls smiled "Thank you and Goodnight to you too Tetsu." Wendy says with a smile and slight blush.

The other girls grinned at that as Wendy her face becoming warmer. Tetsu shut the door and left to his room so he can get to sleep and wake up for school tomorrow.

That night the girls were talking about their new lovers and how they feel so comfortable around them. The guys make the girls feel like their special and beautiful. Their so nice to them too and can make them forget about Natsu and the other guys.

...The girls don't realize but they need to be prepared and might have to make a difficult decision...

To be continue

When the girls go shopping they will encounter familiar people once again.

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