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Both Andy and I had woken up early this morning due to the day of sleep we got yesterday.

We took a shower separately, much to Andy's dismay.

"Wait, won't people get suspicious if we show up in the same car?" I asked before I got into his car.

"It's early. School itself doesn't start for nearly another forty five minutes. No ones going to be around." he said with a reassuring smile.



Andy had gone straight to his classroom once we arrived. I, on the other hand, had to pee horribly. So, I ran to the bathroom.

That's what you get when you forget to go in the mornings.

A few minutes later, I walked up to Andy's room and stopped outside because I heard a sickeningly annoying voice from inside.

Peering through the small window, I listened to the conversation between Meghan and Andy.

"What are you doing later?" Meghan purred, moving her fake nails down his arm.

"I," he started, moving Meghan's hand away with a disgusted expression. "am going to be with my girlfriend tonight." he finished, smirking at her surprised expression.

"Your girlfriend?" she nearly shrieked.

He nodded his head with a smile.

"Well, you can ditch her tonight. Can't you? I mean, who tosses away an extremely attractive willing person?" she asks, once again trailing her nasty fingers over him.

"Sorry to say, but my girl is far better." he stated with a glare, moving her hand away again.

"Why don't you give me a try? I'll show you I'm better."

She just doesn't know when to give up!

"Again, my girl is far better. Besides, you're too easy. Lord knows what I'd catch. I recommend you get checked."

"You can't speak to me like that!" She screeched with her deafening voice, her face going red with both embarrassment and anger.

"And you can't speak to me the way you were for the past five minutes." Andy said smugly.

And then I lost it. I began laughing hysterically, and I couldn't stop.

I walked into the room and Meghan sent me a glare as Andy tried to hide his laughter, to no avail.

"I agree, you should get checked!" I laughed out.

"How long were you there?!" Meghan screamed, her face growing redder.

"Long enough to catch everything."

"You bitch." She seethed.

"Detention! Don't say that again!" Andy bellowed.

She faced Andy with a smile.

"Okay, I don't mind a detention with you."

"Ah, not with me. I'm going to be with my girlfriend. Not watching over you while you try, and fail, with your so called flirting."

I had already stood up, but now I was leaning against a desk for support from the laughter.

"Not used to getting turned down, are we?" I laughed.

Meghan glared once more and rushed towards the door.

"You better be on time for class. I'm sure you don't want another detention!" And called out before she left the room.

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