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This chapter is dedicated to @Chrimax because of the amazing cover she made me. I wish I could post it to show all of you, but I can't post images from my iPod. ;-;

But thank you so much for it!




"I'm willing to forgive you for what you said to me, Andy. But only because I want you so much." Said that rather repulsive voice.

Jenna and I stopped outside Andy's door once I spotted Meghan walk in.

Andy mumbled an 'mhm' in return and went back to his paperwork.

"Come on!" she groaned. "I know the feelings mutual, why won't you show it?" she squeaked, practically sitting on him.

Where's a bat when you need one?

"I cannot show you a feeling I don't have." He replied cooly.


"Come on." I mumbled towards Jenna, walking in the room

"Take your seat now, Meghan." Andy said.

Mumbling profanities, she headed towards a seat closest to Andy's desk.

Jenna and I walked towards our usual seats in the back and waited for Shane to show up.

As students walked in, the girls would look at Andy and frown. For what reason, I have no clue.

"I thought he didn't have a girlfriend." a girl mumbled to her friend.

What brought this up?

"Look at those hickeys! Someone has obviously staked their claim on him." the girls friend frowned.

Ahh, yes. He's mine. You can back off now. I smiled smugly at my thoughts.

"Unless he just had a simple night of fun with a random girl like I tend to do." A boy joined their conversation, chuckling at the girls hope filled expressions.

No, he did not! I was with him the entire time! I frowned deeply.

"What's up with your weird facial expressions?" Shane asked while he was walking over.

I blushed and shook my head. Was I really that noticeable? Oops.

"Nothing, just listening to their crazy conversations." Well, that's the partial truth.

"Mr. Biersack, you're still single, right?" one of the girls had the nerve to ask.

I scowled harshly.

Andy smiled and shook his head.

"Nope. I've got myself a girl."

Loud groans flew across the room from the girls, and the boys just laughed. Meghan, however, still had a determined look on her face.

"Meghan doesn't care, though." I grumbled angrily towards Jenna.

She smirked at me and opened her mouth to say something.

"Meghan doesn't seem to care. You know, about him being taken."

Meghan's face tinged red as she glared at Jenna.

"She was trying to get in his pants all this morning regardless of him being unavailable. And boy did she get turned down hard." She continued.

Oh god, Jenna. Are you trying to get attacked?

The room erupted into laughter, and Meghan's face was red enough to where she could easily fit in a tomato display without being noticed.

"Fucking bitch!" She screamed at Jenna. "Aren't you going to do anything?!" She now screeched towards a grinning Andy.

"Well, um.." he coughed out, hiding his laughter. "Jenna.. that was um, not nice." he said in an almost questioning tone. "Please no more disturbances." He finished firmly.

Meghan's nails clicked angrily against the desk.

Well, everybody. A fight just might break out during the day.




Thirty minutes later, and the bell rung. Half the class was already out of the room. Including Meghan.

"I'll meet you guys in gym in a bit, I'm just going to finish packing my bag and head to the bathroom."

Jenna gave me a knowing look, and Shane just looked confused, but nodded anyways.

The room now held just me and Andy.

He raced for the door and quickly locked it, as well as shutting off the lights.

Now quickly walking towards me, he had a smirk on his perfect face.

"Stay over my place tonight." he mumbled, embracing me tightly.

"Okay." I mumbled back in response.

He grinned and kissed me roughly.

"Do you have to go to gym?" he asked in between kisses.

"I.. uh.. um.." I stuttered, far too distracted to get a real answer out.

He chuckled and kissed me directly under my ear.

"We'll say you had to make up a test." He groaned, hoisting me up on the counter.

"Uhuh.." I panted heavily.

Andy softly bit towards the back of my neck, causing shivers to rush through my body.

His hands firmly gripped the side of my upper thighs. Every few seconds he would move them higher, but then he would lower them.

Teasing should definitely be outlawed.

Running my hands over the front of his jeans, he growled and attacked my mouth with his. His stubble prickling my face. He kept his hands in one spot while he kissed me, and damn was it killing me.

Without warning, his hands shot up and groped me through my jeans.

I groaned loudly and subconsciously moved closer to him.

Smirking, he slid his hands to the waistband of my jeans and very slowly began to undo them.

he kissed me roughly and lifted me off the counter so he could lower my jeans.

"Mr. Biersack to the front office. Mr. Biersack to the front office."

"Dammit." he rolled his eyes. "I'll be back. Just stay here, sit at a desk and pretend you're doing work until I get back."

He kissed me and zipped his pants.

"Wait, do you know what they need?"

"They probably found my dog tag. I asked them to keep an eye out for it." He shrugged and kissed me again. "Now I'll be back in a minute." He stroked my cheek before walking out of the room.

This man...

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