Zero and Jacob

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JUST FOR FUN! A Vampire Knight/Twilight  fanfiction-

The Lyceum was a very prestigious academy. Only the very elite human families could afford to send their children. It was so expensive that human attendance was below five percent, with werewolves compromising nearly sixty percent and vampires' forty percent of the student body. The school's council saw an opportunity with these statistics. While werewolves were always more rambunctious than their blood-drinking counterparts, vampire misconduct had seen a rapid increase in the last couple of years. With fewer blood capsules on the market, the academy experienced a sharp rise of off-campus attacks. More and more students were caught drinking human blood non-consensually. As such, the Lyceum started to look for alternatives to satisfy their students' increasingly unquenchable thirst. And they found one in the sparse human attendance.

My father was conflicted when I told him the proposition. I applied to the Lyceum without any intension of actually attending. It wasn't that I didn't want to go; I did, very much so! Nor did I have any prejudice or fear of werewolves or vampires. I was friends with a few wolves, though I didn't know any vampires. No, the problem was money. Like most humans, we didn't have the funding to send me to an ivy league school.

This was still true when the academy contacted me. I got an unconditional offer, which took a year to get. But I got in, hooray! Even if I never actually went, I'd always have the memory of holding the acceptance letter in my hands. Upon further inspection though, I realized that my deal was different. I had two choices- to pay full tuition with no conditions or pay one-third with a condition. The condition was that I would have to let a vampire drink one cup of my blood every second night. A vampire would be assigned to me at the beginning of the fall semester and we would live together for the year. No other vampire would be allowed to touch me.

I was onboard immediately. I never thought that they would drink from me directly; I thought they would put a needle in my arm and extract the blood that way. Letting a vampire suck your blood was like having sex; it was that intimate. It was not illegal but frowned upon to let a vampire pierce your skin. But I didn't care even if they did; I wanted to go to the Lyceum that badly. Daddy had reservations at first, but then when he calculated what my tuition would be, he filled out the forms.

The summer before I started school was horrible. I had to go to a different city for an interview. I had to see several doctors, including a specialist. Everything, from where my parents went to school to my criminal record, was scrutinized. Since the Lyceum is a boarding school, we also had to find shared accommodation for me and my new uh, roommate. Many contracts were signed on all sides, agreements were finalized, and I chose my classes. Since the werewolves had daytime classes and vampires' night, I was enrolled in the werewolf periods. Right before I moved, I learned that there was one other human student- a girl. I don't know if she had the same deal as me or not.

My father was not allowed onto campus; it was too dangerous to have him near young, thirty vampires without insurance. We said good bye at the front gate, where an armed security guard escorted me to the headmaster's office. The guard was a vampire, but I felt very safe with him. He was super respectful and did everything in his power to make me feel secure in my new home. He brought me straight inside, down along the long, wooden, empty hallways. A dark-wood door near the end wore a plaque- Dr. Kaien Cross.

The guard opened the door for me. "This way," he motioned for me to head inside. My gaze went from him to the man sitting behind the very long desk at the other end of the room. Pausing for a second, my eyes widened. To my disbelief, the headmaster was a human! They let a human run this place? It was way beyond what I was expecting. He was scribbling away at something when I entered, glancing up with curiosity to me. I stood there stagnant, unsure what I should I do. He looked equally as surprised to see me, but his startled expression was quickly replaced by a brilliant smile.

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