The Most Deadly Type of Vampire

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Every day we were together, Jacob and I grew closer and closer. I quickly became one of the gang, along with Yori. I think she caught the fancy of Quill, who always sat beside her at meals. And Jacob sat right next to me- always. Whether we were in class, eating in the dining hall, or just hanging out, Jacob was there. And the weird part was that I don't think he even realized he was doing it; it just felt so natural to be near each other.

But there was another kindled flame growing inside my heart. Zero- the mysterious, stoic, unreachable Zero. I know he said he didn't want me to get too close to him; whether he actually meant that or not is a different story. But I complied, trying to keep my distance and let him control the pace of our budding friendship. Ironically enough though, ever since that night, Zero had been strangely nice to me. He wasn't rude- most of the time- and tried to make me feel comfortable around him. I even caught him looking at me a few times; he would always flinch when he realized he was caught and turn away. But I still saw....... I still saw.

Then, one Sunday evening when the sky had darkened early, foreshadowing a thunder storm, Zero asked if I would like to out go on a walk. This was both unexpected and alarming; wasn't it Zero who was always telling me to stay in after dark? "It'll be alright," he assured me as he helped me put on my jacket. "We'll stay on the main road and I'll be with you." Then he said like it the most casual thing ever: "I would never let anything touch you." We were putting on our shoes at the time. I paused and immediately blinked up at him; he just kept tying his laces unaware of my awe. No, it wasn't casual; what he said is anything but casual. I don't think Zero understood why I was blushing as we left the dorm.

True to his word, the prefect brought me to a country road out back. It was still on school grounds, so I didn't need permission to leave, but it was in the abandon part of campus. If it was anyone other than Zero who brought me back here, I would have been majorly suspicious. But as it was, I was having the time of my life. Zero trailed behind as I climbed up onto the crumbling grey-stone wall behind the dirt path. "This is fun! I feel like I'm really spreading my wings!" I blurted out like a child. "You don't have any wings," he countered matter-o-factly. "My metaphorical wings," I grinned back at him. He wasn't smiling exactly, but I could tell that he was content. His hands jammed into his pockets and that nonchalant body posture suggested this was the case.

I loved the area he brought me to. The school has a surprisingly extensive backyard; rolling hills of green, a few abandoned farms, an orchard. It was so long that I could see the ocean in the distance, though I knew that was not school property. Surprisingly, we were the only ones around it seemed. Maybe not the vampires, but I thought the werewolves would have loved it out here; lots of room to run and hunt. But no- quiet, dead quiet. This didn't appear to bother my escort though; he just scrolled behind me, being his usual stoic self. I didn't mind however; I liked Zero, just the way he was.

This is why the sound of his voice caught me off guard; I was engrossed in his company- albeit unobtrusive- and the scenery. "Do you miss your father?" Zero asked straight-forwardly. Uh, that was a weird question; it made me pause to reflect for a moment. But I already knew the answer, and I bet so did he. "I see," I shot him a playful grin. "So you saw how close we were when you were in my heart, huh? Yes, I do miss him- a lot. He........" My voice caught for a brief minute. "He's very special to me."

Zero merely nodded his response, not saying anything after that. It was me who broke the silence next. "What about you? Are you close with your father?" "The headmaster is not my father; he adopted me after my parents died." A short pause. "Oh, I'm sorry." Another pause. "How old were you?" "Seven," he answered without hesitation. "So young......." My eyes rolled down. That's right, I saw their grave in his heart. They must be the only people he's ever loved....... The only people he's allowed himself to love.

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