Argument Among Fathers

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"Alright, babygirl! It's all taken care of. You'll fly home with me and we'll find you the best vampire-free school available." Daddy was organizing papers on the dining room table while I sat on a nearby armchair. I was hugging my legs to my chest as I quietly listened. A part of me was relieved to get away from the school, especially after that terrifying dream last night. But admittedly, I also felt a little disappointed. I hadn't spoken to anyone from the Lyceum since I felt. The pangs of agony from missing Jacob started to hit me hard and I wanted to call him. Daddy told me not to turn my phone off airplane mode for fear that someone from the school could track me. I reluctantly agreed, although this did make me want to head home as soon as possible. Then I could finally contact Jacob; the anticipation to hear his voice was overwhelming.

Daddy printed the plane tickets. "There! We're all set to go." "When's our flight?" I asked quietly. "Tomorrow morning." My head slowly nodded in response. I...... didn't know how to feel about this. Like I said before, I wanted to get home as fast as possible, so I could talk to Jacob again. But...... It started to dawn on me that I would probably never see Zero again. I guess that was the whole point of me leaving, but still, a sense of mourning took hold of me. Would I miss him? I rested the side of my head onto my knees. Is it wrong if I did? I know I did the right thing by leaving....... But I was unable to shake this sadness. It followed me like a shadow. It was inescapable, always there- and I didn't know when, if ever, it would go away.

"You ok there, sweetheart?" I glanced over to Daddy, who was looking at me worriedly. "O-oh, yeah. I'm fine......." "Don't worry, angel. We'll be out of here and you'll never have to deal with those creatures ever again." "Uh huh." Literally right after I said that, a loud, frantic knocking echoed from the front door. It was raining and dark outside, so it seemed weird that people would be visiting at this time, in this weather. "Now who could that be?" Jerry asked innocently enough. I didn't move while Daddy and Tom wore warier expressions. We all watched as Jerry opened the door to reveal a soaking wet man. Upon further inspection, I realized- much to my horror- that it was Dr. Cross. Daddy noticed my immediate fear.

"How may I help you, sir?" Jerry asked him. "Is Selene Lauser here?" He answered his question with another question. I felt my heart skip a beat as he took a step into the house. No! My eyes grew in utter shock. But..... how is this possible?! I didn't tell anyone where I was going, not even Yori! How did he find me here?! Although Daddy didn't recognize the headmaster, he protective got in front of me, effectively standing in between us. From the look on his face, he figured out that he had come from the Lyceum. "Who are you? What do you want with my daughter?" He demanded in a dangerous tone.

Dr. Cross flinched, blinking over at him. "Ah! You must be Mr. Lauser! Delighted to finally meet you in person. I am Dr. Kaien Cross- headmaster of the Lyceum." The mood in the house instantly darkened. Tom and Daddy glared daggers at the man, Jerry looked as if he didn't know what to think, and I sunk down deeper into my seat. This was going to be bad- very bad. "Gentlemen, would you please give us a minute alone? I have a few words for Dr. Cross." Tom and Jerry didn't waste any time exiting the place, leaving the three of us in there; I still didn't move from my chair.

"Capital! Mr. Lauser, perhaps we could......." Daddy cut Dr. Cross off with one swift blow to the cheek. I screamed; the headmaster tumbled down to the floor. "How dare you come here?!" Daddy seethed. "How did you find her? Get one of your blood-sucking goons to sniff her out? I wouldn't put it past a sick freak like you!" "Please, Mr. Lauser! I can explain!" Dr. Cross scrambled up to his feet, holding his hands out in front him in a show of no ill-will. Daddy was having none of it. "How dare you?! How dare you not tell me that my daughter had over two pints of blood sucked from her?! Or that she was in such bad condition that you had to hook her up to an IV? How dare you not inform me that she's been the target of several vampire attacks at the school?! You really think you could keep all that from me?! I don't know who's the real monster; you or your uncontrollable son!" Daddy's voice boomed through the whole house; I had to cover my ears.

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