The Dark One

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Zero's eyes moved from my eyes to the bracelet on my wrist. A contorted expression morphed on his face; he looked both enraged and...... and relieved. "Z-Zero?" I asked when he didn't say anything. He just shut the door instead. I watched as he took a few steps towards me; his hand rose up, coming near my head. I thought he was about to touch me before he reluctantly retracted it. Shutting- no, wincing- his eyes shut, Zero made his way past me. I was about to say something until he surprised him once again. His strong, thin hand landed on top of my head. It gently tussled my hair. Then, still without a single word, the vampire continued down the hall, leaving me there in my discomfort. It hurt, I brought my hand up to my chest. He doesn't want me to care..... but I do. I can't help it, my lower lip quivered. It's instinctive......

I opened the dorm door to find an empty flat. Sighing heavily, I was about to get undressed and hop into the bath when my phone started vibrating. The headmaster was on the other side. "Hello, Miss Lauser?" "Hi, what's up?" I asked more casually than I probably should have. "Are you at the flat right now?" "Uh, yes? Why?" "Oh! Thank goodness! Can you do me a favor? Zero just told me that he forgot his gun in his room. Can you see it?" Zero left his gun at home? That's not like him; he never goes anywhere without it. He must really be out of sorts...... The sensation of his hand on my head flashed through my mind. Zero......

I looked into Zero's room through his already open door. "Yes." "Fantastic! Can you please bring it to him? He can't go on patrol without it." "Uh, I don't know. I'm not supposed to leave the flat after dark." "But it's not curfew yet! Don't worry, it'll be safe. The night class hasn't started yet and there hasn't been any alert of intruders." I hesitated. What would Zero say? He'd be upset- I know that. But then, I'd have his gun with me along the way. Perhaps it would be ok; the headmaster wouldn't ask me if it wasn't. "Ok," I reluctantly agreed. "You're a darling! He's in the end classroom at the end of the west wing." "The west wing?" That was prime vampire territory. "It will be alright. Just go there and head straight back. I wouldn't be asking this of you if it was potentially dangerous," he confirmed what I already thought. "A-alright, I'll go now." "Thanks! You're the best! Text me when you get back, alright?" "Ok. Good night, headmaster." "Night, dear. Have fun!" Have fun? What's fun about delivering a vampire gun to a guy who's mad with me?

Sighing, I put back on my sweater and headed back out, gun in hand. I don't know why but the atmosphere around the halls felt...... different. Here I was, going into vampire central, and yet, it was like no one lived here. No one was around; it was almost like the vampires were hiding from something- or someone. It felt colder but also more secure for some reason. I felt strangely safe wandering through the empty hallways; which was bizarre considering the other night's events. It was weirdest thing, not that I minded.

Correction. Something began to feel off- very off- as I rounded one corner. How do I explain it? I suppose the most accurate way is that I felt him before I saw him. I could feel someone else in the long hallway with me, though I couldn't see anyone. My feet came to a halt as I stared into the darkness. I was surprised but not shocked when a figure slowly- very slowly- started to emerge. I could hear my heart beat in my ears; every cell in my body trembled. He was tall and excessively beautiful; he gave the word "gorgeous" a whole new meaning. He had on a long, elegant black coat. His hair was pitch dark and long. I knew he was a vampire just by looking at him but........ It's so hard to explain. I wasn't scared; not in the least. I felt ironically safe- safer than I'd ever felt before. This man, this vampire was the strongest entity I'd seen; he had absolute power about him. And he didn't look afraid to exercise it.

The vampire kept his deep, deep crimson eyes locked on me as he came closer. He made it half way down the hall before stopping. The breath stilled in my throat. The way he moved, everything about him...... was soundless, effortless. He was the definition of power itself; I could sense it, feel it. "Good evening," his voice was the most seductive, sinful thing I'd ever heard. It made my heart skip a beat- several beats. "You are Zero's roommate?" Oh god, that voice- that voice. Even though I felt like I wasn't in any danger, I instinctively felt that I shouldn't go near him, or look at him any longer than I already was. Something told me that he was the kind of person with a secret agenda, and he had the power to make me participate however he wanted.

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